Chapter 18 "The Cross Dresser&Wedding"

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I will not include your motorcycle so I can make u sit with your brothers hahahaha  thank you this is to the people who were very nice

Your P.O.V~

It has been a couple weeks since I saw him

I was studying for the exam and got a little thirsty so I went down stairs to get a cup of coffee

While I was making coffee I suddenly hear a footsteps behind me I turned around and saw Ukyo

"Studying for the exams I see"

I nodded

Than a guy with long orange hair and was wear a dress!?

"Oh my I have been dying to meet our little sister" he than hug me and this caught me by surprise(keep in mind they all met Ema all ready)

"Umm Ukyo who is this guy" they look at me with surprise face "what" I asked

"Oh sorry but how did you know I was a guy" the with orange hair asked clearly confused

"Mmm I don't know you just got the guy vibe you know?" I said kinda confused too

But the guy just nodded

"Here this is for you" and handed me a light pink box and a bow on it

"What is it"

"It a package sent with love " he said while winking

"Ok thanks umm"


"Ok thanks Hikaru-nii" I said while giving him a sweet smile

Hikaru P.O.V~

Ukyo left already whatever

My new little sister said "Ok thanks Hikaru-nii"

And give my a sweet smile


"No problem" I said signing

She went closer to my face and kiss my cheek I blushed a little a bit

" sorry I do that to Ema a lot and I thought since your my brother now it was ok" she said and give me a sheepish smile

"It ok"

"Ok thanks niisan" she than give me another sweet smile

I feel my heart pounding in my chest and I could feel heat rise to my cheeks

'what is this feeling'

Your P.O.V~

I gave him one last hug and left I said bye and went to my room

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