Chapter 6 "The Bullies"

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~Your P.O.V~

"Hey! Are you (Y/N)?" demanded a girl with long dark copper-colored hair.

"Yes, do you need anything?" I ask with a forced smile 

Then she began to yank my hair, it was uncomfortable the way she dragged me. She suddenly stopped dragging me. Looking around and I noticed we were now at the back of the school, where there were two more girls one with black mid-hair long the other one short pink-ish hair.

Pulling my hair out of the girl's grip I looked at her. "You know you could have just asked? Or is that too hard for your small brain? Oh, you poor thing" I taunt her.

Her face was bright red, I assume it was out of anger. She then proceeds to shove me to the floor,  looking at me while giggling with the other girls who were present. 

"You are so ugly bitch!" The pink haired girl spoke, "Oh so original." I rolled my eyes.  

Her nostrils flared up, her fists clenched beside her, grabbing a fistful of my hair she yanks it up making me follow. 

"Stupid bitch!" 

Reeling my fist back I landed a solid left hook on her cheek when caused her to stumble back and falling on her rear end. 

'Man what a pain I was hoping to keep my image clean.' While I was preoccupied with my thoughts I didn't notice a punch aimed at my abdominal region. 

'God these chicks are annoying.' I cursed them as I clutching my abdominal area

"Slut!" The other girl shouted, "Funny coming from you, who even wears there school uniform, without three buttons and I'm the slut?" I looked at her annoyed.

I try not to let out a scream when I felt someone stepping on my leg. Looking at the culprit "Dude how much do you weight." 

'Fuck my smartass mouth, someone get this fatass off me.' I felt her stomping on my leg. 


"Haha this should teach you a lesson Stay.away.from.Fuuto."

Oh my god, fucking stalkers great!

They started to kick me again on my sides than the one with long dark brown hair kick me in the gut causing me to spit blood out of my mouth.

The girl with black mid-hair said to me "Come here every day after school or else I will beat up your sister to."

When I heard her said that I look up to her with fear that they will do the same to Ema than I said "ok I
will come every day"

"Good you better" was all they said before leaving.

When they were out of my site I slowly got up then fall down again crying it hurts

I started walking my leg started hurts so much it so painful

When I arrived home I went to the living room hoping nobody was there

When I got out from the elevator I saw Masaomi


"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU ARE YOU OK?!" He yells at me with a concerned face

This cause Yusuke, Tsubaki to come out from the kitchen

Great! Yusuke asked, "What happened to your clothes it all dirty?"

Than Tsubaki "Omg you look like you are in pain"

"I'm fine don't worry I just fell down the stairs," I said while forcing a smile "see I am fine"

"Are you sure?" Masaomi asked

"Yep" I quickly went to my room locking the door and I started crying as quite as I can

So this is half fixed 

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