Chapter 2

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Third Person P.O.V.

As the duo arrived in the fields of Havenfield, they could hear Verdie roaring as Edaline was giving him another bath. Before Sophie could start again, she thought back to the first chapter and decided against it. 'Wait. Nope, don't even think about it Sophie!' Sophie shames herself.

With the duo not noticing their still interlocked hands, they walk to Sophie's room, stopping along the way to say hi to Edaline and Grady. Grady as usual glared at Keefe but now it was just a fun game for both of them.

Grady had forgiven Keefe after everything ended almost a year ago and both have moved on. As Sophie and Keefe walked, both Edaline and Grady gave them looks that they couldn't decipher.

They got to Sophie's room and Keefe helped her pack by holding open the backpack for her. It was the same purple backpack she had brought with her from the Forbidden Cities when she left to come here.

When they were done with that, they found Grady and Edaline in the kitchen. "Hey, can I go sleepover at Everglen this weekend?" Sophie asks. "Sure. But wait, I have something for you guys to deliver." Grady says running up to Edaline and his' room. Grady comes back down with a few scrolls and hands it to Sophie.

"Just give this to Alden. Don't worry, it's just paper work for some damaged buildings we still need to fix in Atlantis." Grady reassures the duo. Sophie nods and tucks the scrolls into her backpack.

"Oh and Sophie?" Edaline asks. Sophie tilts her head to the side questioningly. "The dinner with my friend is tonight. Just letting you know. We'll pick you up from Everglen at 6." Sophie nods smiling.

"Okay, we'll get going then. Bye guys. Love you." Sophie says as she hugs each parent and leads Keefe to the Leapmaster. "Everglen!" She shouts as a light path comes into view and they both step in to be whisked away.

They come into view with the blinding light coming of the gate protecting Everglen. Fitz greets them at the door as he opens the gate remotely. "Hey guys. Biana is upstairs in her room Sophie." Sophie nods and leaves the 2 boys to talk.

She carfully walks up the stairs as to not slip on the slippery, shiny steps and knocks on Biana's door. Biana opens the door and rushes Sophie inside. "I just got a hail from your mom and it's 4 which means we only have 2 hours to get you ready so we need to go, Go, GO!" Biana shouts.

Sophie squeals in surprise as Biana shoves her into the bathroom to shower while Biana picks out a dress for her to wear. Sophie got out of the shower after washing for a good 20 minutes.

She comes out with her hair dry due to a serum and in only a towel wrapped around her body. She expected to be met with a Biana holding a bunch of dresses but is instead met with Keefe staring at her.

"Keefe! Have some decency, would you?" Sophie exclaims. Keefe blushes and turns around. "Sorry. I didn't think you would just have a towel on. I was gonna ask if you wanted to play Base Quest with Fitz and I."

Sophie smiles. "Sorry, Biana has to dress me up for Edaline's friends dinner party. Maybe tomorrow." Sophie suggests. He nods, still carful to not look at her and walks out with a 'see ya.'

Biana comes back in a minute Keefe walks out with a dress in hand. "Sorry. Since you were taking a bit, I visited Atlantis really quickly and I found the perfect dress for you. Or, well, I actually designed it." Biana grins.

Sophie's eyes go wide and she smiles proudly for her best friend. "That's so cool. Even if you just chose a dress, I already know it's gonna be good." Sophie compliments.

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