AU Chapter #2

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Sophie's P.O.V.

"Hi can I get a iced americano?" I punch in iced americano on the screen and take a cup from my right. "Name?" I wonder what it was going to be this time. Last time it was 'Fitzatorium'. I don't think that's even a name. Or a word for that matter.

"Batman." It was always the guys with cute tousled blonde hair and ice blue eyes that got me. Well, maybe I'm being a bit too specific but I wasn't going to deny that I was falling for someone who's name I didn't even know. But I mean... he was cute. Like cute. I scrawl 'Batman' across the cup with his order.

Next thing I know, I slam the cup down on the counter. "Okay that's it. Can you just please tell me your real name? So I don't have to keep shouting out these ridiculous words that you keep making up somehow. That and I'd really like to know your real name so I can ask you out." All eyes turned to me after I said that and it was deaf silent, you could hear my heart drop from embarrassment.

All of a sudden, the cute blonde in front of me bursts into fits of laughter. Great, I just confessed my attractiveness to him and he just goes and laughs at me. 'Great job, Sophie.' I congratulate myself.

"Wow, and I thought I was the one who was gonna confess. Man, there goes my 18-step plan." He leans on the counter after calming down as everyone still watches like it's a Korean drama or soap opera. "Wait. What?" I ask.

"Why do you think I come in here every day? Gosh, I don't even like americanos. I come in just to see the cute barista fumble over my ridiculous names." I look down and feel my whole face turn into a stop light until he gets my attention. "Hey." I look up.

"I technically never said no to that date." He smirks. Oh gosh, his smirk. "Well, I never asked." I somehow get the words to come out without stuttering or hesitating. Yet somehow, his smirks grows. "Alright, I guess I will be the one to fess up."

He leans forward a bit and looks directly into my eyes. "Sophie. Will you go out with me sometime? We can get coffee." He smirks. 'We're in a coffee shop. Why would he— oh. He's being ironic.'

I roll my eyes playfully. "Sure," I scoff. "We can go out but only if you tell me your name." I compromise. I can still feel everyone's eyes on us as the intensity grows. He glances down before looking back at me.

"Keefe. My names Keefe."

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