AU Chapter

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Sophie's P.O.V.

"Oh come on Sophie, can't you come just this once? Pleeeease?" Biana tugs on my arm, making the bed below us shake. I sigh in aspiration. "I don't know Bee. Can't you take Linh? Or Tam? Or Dex?" I emphasize. I really wasn't in the mood right now because I had something going on later.

"Oh but we haven't hung out in forever." She says. "We're hanging out right now." I remind her. She purses her lips but still doesn't back down. Reluctantly, I agree and cancel my plans. "Yay! Be ready by 6. We're going to Atlantis." I wave her off as she light leaps back to Everglen and walk back to my closet. It's not like my fashion taste has changed much so what in the huckleberry was I supposed to change into?

A different colored tunic? Some flats? Put on makeup? 'Ha. You're funny Sophie.' Not even bothering with it anymore, I just go out to see if Grady or Edaline need any help. "Everything's under control. Don't worry Sophie. Just be a normal teenager and get ready for your girl-date with Biana." Edaline reassures me. "But that's the thing. I'm not normal. Sooo..." I trail off.

"No. You're going, and I'm even going to choose an outfit for you. So go shower while I find something." Edaline ushers me into the bathroom to shower and I just go along. I come out with a towel and already dried hair to see a frilly dress I must've stuffed way in the back hanging on the door. It was a slightly dark red dress flaring out at the waist all the way down to my knees with a slight tail. And it had sparkles outlining the edges.

I throw it on anyways but grab a pair of brown boots and leave my hair plain straight with it slightly touching my shoulders from my recent haircut. 5:58. At that moment, I get hailed on my imparter by Biana saying that she can't make it. "Don't worry, I invited someone else to go with you. You just have to meet them at the restaurant. Now go!" With that, she hangs up leaving me speechless.

Do I go? Do I not go? Oh but then I feel bad for the other person. I decide on going anyways and end up standing awkwardly in front of the restaurant. I still can't believe I'm doing something like this. I should've just stayed home.

I'm about to go until I hear a familiar voice. "Foster?" I turn around mid-step and see Keefe. "What are you doing here?" He asks. I furrow my eyebrows and tell him about Biana. I notice that his shoulders tense up a bit and ask. "Um, Fitz practically did the same thing to me and left me hanging with a mystery date. I guess it's not much of a mystery anymore though." He chuckles.

I let out a laugh as the host leads us to our table and we start the meal. "Keefe, you don't think... well.. you know..." I try to say. "Just spit it out Foster." Keefe leans back in his chair, sipping his drink with his arm on the arm rest. "You don't think they actually tried to set us up, right?" I ask. He puts his drink down and smirks.

"That's exactly what they did. I mean, if you look at it, it's perfectly clear they just set us up. With each other." He explains. "Should we tell them?" I ask hesitantly. I take a sip of my drink as our finished dishes are taken away. Keefe thinks a bit. "Mmm, nah. Let's see how far they'll go." He decides.

I look at him. "But Keefe—" I start But he interrupts. "Oh come on, Foster. It'll be fun watching them trying so hard." He smirks even more as our drinks are refilled and we wait for dessert. "But if we tell them, it's just make things so much easier so we won't have to sneak around anymore." I try to convince him.

"Oh but please Foster? For me?" Keefe pretends to pout and juts out his lower lip. I purse mine together as I think about it. "Fine. For you. But if it goes too far, we're telling them." I add the last part quickly as his smirk grows into a smile.

"Don't worry Foster. Plus, we've been dating for over 10 years already. It'll be like falling in love with you all over again. But then again, I go through that every time I see you." And that was my cue to turn into a tomato as I look anywhere but my boyfriend of 10 years.

"Hm, I guess our date wasn't canceled after all."

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