Chapter 10

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Third Person P.O.V.

"Soph!" Fitz shouted before crushing Sophie in a bear hug. Sophie hugged back but pulled away as she realized the Neverseen could come above ground any second. As Sophie and Fitz rushes back to the house, Fitz told Sophie Keefe had taken Biana back to rest.

Sophie was relieved when she heard they were both okay. They were about to go through the front doors until they heard a voice yell out. "Stop! Don't move." Corbyn said.

Sophie and Fitz turned around to face Corbyn with a hand of fire. "You know, you're not the only one who's been experimented on." Corbyn said with not a smirk, but a sad face.

"What do you mean? Are you saying the Neverseen was trying to make a version of Project Moonlark? Like with Keefe and his mom?" Sophie's question was confirmed when Corbyn nodded.

"What do you want? Better answer quick before I knock you out for good." Fitz growled at Corbyn. Corbyn put out his flames and put his hands up in surrender. "I've come to make a deal."

"A deal? What could we possibly want from you?" Fitz asked. "I'll give you information on my dad and Neverseen. I'll even give you the locations of all of our hideouts left." Corbyn offered. "In return, I just ask for you to bring me to the Forbidden Cities."

Sophie raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Why would you want to go to the Forbidden Cities?" She asked. Corbyn's shoulders had now slumped down, making him look exhausted and depressed.

"I'm tired of putting up an act. I'm tired of my father. I'm tired of having to fight and do all this secret organization stuff. So maybe if I could get away, I wouldn't have to deal with all of this." Corbyn explained.

'So it was an act.' Sophie couldn't help but feel the same way. Except he had a choice to leave everything. This could also be a big gain for the Black Swan. Now they could take out the Neverseen. For good.

What are you going to do? Fitz transmitted. I'm going to agree to the deal. It'll be a huge gain for us and we can end this once and for all. Plus, I can't help but feel sorry for him since I know the feeling of being experimented on. Sophie responded.

Fitz gave Sophie a sympathetic look and nodded. Sophie turned to Corbyn and nodded to him, holding her hand out. "We have a deal." She said. With a handshake, Corbyn had given the slender wand with the crystal at the end that led to all the hideouts. Corbyn noticeably had a bag with him which Sophie assumed was filled with essentials.

Sophie, Keefe, Alden, and Corbyn then teleported to L.A. California after explaining to Alden, Della, and Keefe who were in Biana's room comforting Biana. Fitz decided to stay behind with Della and Biana.

They all landed on the side of a gas station where Corbyn went in to change into some human clothes and they all said their farewells and thank you's. Sophie had been worried about what Corbyn would do until he told her he had some money. Sophie didn't bother to ask how he had it.

"Oh, and Sophie?" Corbyn asked before they could light leap back. "Just a tip: instead of having to fall from a certain height, you can teleport by running to get the adrenaline rush and just focus on that. Also, we're not really betrothed. That was just to get you scared into joining the Neverseen." Corbyn explained.

'At least I don't have to worry about that anymore.' Sophie thought. She smiled. "Thanks. I'll work on that. And thank you for telling me." Corbyn nodded before calling a car on his phone that somehow also managed to get. Again, Sophie didn't ask.

Once Sophie, Keefe, and Alden got back to Everglen, they gathered in Biana's room. "So, wanna explain how you got Biana back?" Alden asked. So Sophie, Fitz, and Keefe took turns with explaining the story with Biana chiming in every once in a while.

After Della and Alden had gotten over with their interrogation, they all decided that it was best if they all went to bed. Just because it was afternoon in the Forbidden Cities didn't mean it was in the Lost Cities.

Before Sophie could get under her covers, a knock sounded through the room. Sophie groaned, having to put sleep on hold. She slept whenever she had the chance since she never slept much before.

Sophie opened her door to peek out to find Keefe. With a shirt on this time. He was wearing a set of pajamas the same blue as his eyes.

"Better hope you know what I'm here for Foster. Especially after the last few nights." Keefe smirked. Sophie smiled and let him in.

They both got in the bed and didn't hesitate to scoot towards each other. Both needed someone to comfort them. "To be honest, I thought I had lost my chance to be with you when Corbyn said you were betrothed." Keefe whispered.

Sophie frowned as she looked up at Keefe. "Keefe, you could never loose me. Plus, who else would bug you with constant danger and injuries if I wasn't here?" Sophie joked.

Sophie's attempt to cheer Keefe up worked as he chuckled. "I guess I would miss the thrill of always knowing that I'm in danger. But sometimes I just wish all of that could go away." Keefe explained.

"Me too Keefe, me too." Sophie trailed off before letting sleep envelope her.

{||The Next Day||}

"Aww. They're just too cute."

"Oh look, he has his arm around her!"

"Shh. We don't want to wake them up."

"This feels like their 10th time sleeping together. Oof. My heart can't take it anymore."

Sophie kept hearing the voices until she finally decided to open her eyes to be greeted with Biana, Della, Alden, and Fitz. Basically the whole Vacker family.

"Ah, I have to get a picture of this." Della said holding up the camera Sophie got her as a present. Della had always been interested in human technology so Sophie decided to get something she thought Della might like.

Now Sophie regretted it.

"Aww. Just wait until I show Grady and Edaline this." Sophie could hear everyone clearing out of the room. 'Wait. Grady and Edaline. As in my parents. Grady. Shoot.' Sophie started to panic.

Keefe woke up due to Sophie's sudden mood shift and asked her what was wrong. Sophie turned towards him with a scared look. "I think you're about to die."

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