Chapter 11

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Third Person P.O.V.

"What?!" Keefe shrieked. "Uh, Foster, at least explain how and why I'm going to die." Keefe asked. But while Keefe was speaking, Sophie had already gotten both of them out of bed and shoved Keefe into his room.

"Stay in here and lock the door. Use any force necessary to keep. This. Door. Closed." Sophie said as she rushed back to her room after slamming his door closed. She changed as quickly as she could without falling and tripping.

She washed up and came out of her room wearing a dark grey tunic with a black sash and black leggings with her grey, knee length boots. She could hear Della humming as she made her way towards the Leapmaster.

Just as she was in view of the Leapmaster, Della had disappeared, dissolving in the light to be whisked away to Havenfield. Now, there was no way of stopping Della.

Sophie trudged back downstairs with her energy drained. She found Fitz, Alden, Biana, and Keefe, who had stupidly come out of his room, in the living room. "Keeeeefe. I thought I told you to stay in your room and keep the door closed no matter what." Sophie dragged out.

"And I told you that I needed to know how and why I was going to die. Guess neither of us listen to each other." Keefe retorted. "One word. Grady." Keefe's eyes went wide instantly as the rest besides Sophie we're trying not to laugh.

Before she could forget, Sophie turned to Biana. "Hey. How are you feeling? They didn't open any scars or wounds, did they?" She asked gently. Biana smiles and shook her head. "I'm fine. Don't worry. And nice try in trying to distract me from teasing you later on but it's not gonna work." Biana smiled.

Sophie smiled too. "Darn. I was hoping that would work." Sophie smirked, wanting to try it. Surprisingly, she kind of liked it. It made her feel like a rebel. Like she was trouble. Which is what Keefe will be if he doesn't hide himself.

"If anyone needs me, I'll be in my room. Eating." Honestly, Sophie couldn't help but say,"Mood." But there was no time for that.

She hurried Keefe out of the kitchen where he was grabbing trays of Mallowmelt, Ripplefluffs, and Indigoobers. Sophie shoved Keefe in his bedroom and made him lock the door.

Sophie knew that Grady wasn't literally going to kill Keefe but he may as well create a secret organization of his own just to keep them apart. Now they would be undefeated.

Sophie shuddered at the thought. She ran back downstairs and was about to reach the front doors to barricade them before they were slammed open.

By a fuming Grady.

A fuming Grady Sophie was scared to see what he was going to do to Keefe.

"Sophie." Grady said. He stalked dangerously towards her as she tried to smile innocently. "Yeees?" She asked. "Where is That Boy?" Grady asked. 'Oh no. Now he's gone to saying 'That Boy' again. This is bad.' Sophie realized.

"Um. What boy?" Sophie asked, her voice wavering. "Oh, you know very well which one I'm talking about. Now where is he?" Grady repeated. Sophie shrunk away from him until she hit the wall.

"Grady. Calm down. You're scaring Sophie." Edaline said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Oh trust me. It's not Sophie I want to scare." Grady snarled. "Grady." Edaline said but with more force this time.

Finally, Grady calmed down. Edaline rubbed his shoulders as she instructed him to take deep breathes. As he took his last deep breathe, Edaline let go and Grady was calm. At least that's what Sophie had thought.

"Okay, let me try this again. Sophie, where is That Boy?" Grady asked more calmly. Although the still said 'That Boy'.

"Right here Mr. Ruewen." A calm voice said. Everyone turned to look behind Sophie at the calmest looking Keefe standing there. Sophie's eyes went wide as she tried to shoo him away.

What are you doing?! Save yourself and RUN Sophie transmitted. "I want to do this the right way Mr. Ruewen. So please, may I have your permission to ask your daughter out on a date?" Keefe explained.

I think everyone could say that was something different right there because no one had ever seen Keefe take such a formal stance.

Grady was shocked. But also touched along with Sophie. And to everyone's surprise, he smiled. Everyone had raised eyebrows in suspicion, even Edaline, but Keefe stood there with a stoic expression on his face.

"Alright." Grady finally said.

Sophie along with everyone else had practically died from shock, besides Keefe. "REALLY?!" Sophie asked in excitement. Again, Grady nodded.

Sophie turned to look back at Keefe with the biggest smile on her face and Keefe returned the gesture.

They ran towards each other and crashed into one another with a hug. "Thank you for being so idiotically brave to come down here." Sophie whispered.

"I would do anything for you Foster. Anything."

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