Chapter 4

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Third Person P.O.V.

"OMG! OTP! Gosh now I wish I had taken up Sophie's offer on having one of those phell-sones or whatever their called." Sophie heard someone squeal. "Cell phone." Sophie mumbles out of habit for correcting Biana on human objects. Before she can fully wake up, Sophie a click and sees a bright flash from under her eyelids.

"Yes! I'm so glad I have this cerama to take pictures." Sophie heads another voice say. "Camera." Sophie mumbles once again out of habit again. Finally Sophie opens her eyes and sees Biana, Della, Edaline, and... Alden? 'What's Alden doing here? Unless... oh please don't tell me he's fangirling with them.' Sophie thinks.

"Can I just have a quiet morning of sleep? Please?" Sophie asks tiredly. She doesn't bother to rub the sleep out of her eyes as everyone rushes out of the room and Sophie falls back into bed, just to hit something warm and solid.

'Wait, why were they even taking pictures?' Suddenly, everything from last night comes rushing back into Sophie's thoughts. 'Getting ready for bed, inviting Keefe in, sharing the same bed and cuddling, talking about their nightmares about each other before falling asleep.' Sophie remembered everything.

Sophie wondered whether she should be getting up now or pretending to go back to sleep. She didn't know what to do. As Sophie was quietly thinking to herself, Keefe stirred and felt something on his chest. He could feel his arms wrapped around something very small and delicate.

Then he remembered everything that happened the night before. Sophie hadn't noticed Keefe had woken up until he raised the arm he had wrapped around her to rub the sleep out of his eyes. At the last second, she decided to pretend to sleep.

She could feel Keefe moving a bit before slowly removing himself thinking that Sophie was asleep. And because Keefe thought she was asleep, he made a spontaneous decision to kiss her forehead before going back to his room.

Once Sophie heard the door close, she waited until she couldn't hear the fading footsteps. She opened her eyes completely wide awake now. The warm tingling feeling of the kiss on her forehead lingered there for a bit before wearing off.

She was about to get out of bed to get ready for the day until she heard a knock about the door. She turned her attention towards the door instead and it burst open to reveal and impatient Biana. Biana rushes in and shut the door behind her before hopping on Sophie's bed and simply saying,


Like that, everything came rushing out of Sophie like someone had Veritaserum, the truth potion from her favorite human book series, Harry Potter. After Sophie finished, Biana had wide eyes and an awed expression on her face.

"Well, I'm kinda hungry so I'm gonna go clean up a little and we can go downstairs for breakfast." Sophie says slowly to the still-in-shock Biana. Sophie goes to the bathroom and cleans herself up before walking out in a plain, light grey tunic and dark red leggings.

She no longer had her nexuses or serums hanging around her neck. All she had was her sucker punch, her rings, and bracelets to reduce her enhancing power. Sophie was relieved when Dex had appeared at her house with the teal, her favorite color, bracelets.

She still remembered when Dex said,"For you, I'll work with Wonderboy's color. But only you, and Biana." He has murmured the last part but Sophie caught it. Since then Sophie had teased Dex on his crush on Biana after interrogating him.

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