AU Chapter #4

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Sophie's P.O.V.

"Oh come on Biana would you just give it up already?" I flop down onto the bed covered in a lavender purple cover for the millionth time. "No. I will not give up, you've already admitted that you like him. Why not just try taking your shot and go out on a date?" Biana checks her lashes in Vertina's mirror.

I turn onto my belly and crawl until I've reached where Ella is perched on top of a pillow. "Yes, I've admitted to liking him, to you. But if I tell him that, it'll just be me throwing years of a perfectly good friendship down the drain... even if I wish it was more than a friendship."

"You don't know that. For all you know, you guys could be soul-" Before Biana could finish her sentence, I cut her off. "No. I am not letting you give me more false hope than I've already given myself. Try again when you know he likes me back or when it's the end of the world." I hug Ella tight and bury my face into a pillow.

"Sophie," Biana stops looking in the mirror and sits down on the bed where my back faces her. "You're one of my only best and true friends, if I wanted to give you false hope and humiliate yourself... I would've done that already."

I turn over to face her with Ella still in my arms. "Gee, thanks best friend." I yelp as she playfully slaps me on the arm. "Oh, you know what I mean." We both laugh and calm down before the room goes quiet again and all you can hear is Verdi's roaring.

"What I'm saying is, just try. Please. If not for me, then for yourself. At least you would then know." Biana says quietly. I sigh and reluctantly nod. She smiles and starts again with the wedding planning as I once again ask her why she's planning a wedding that might not happen.

Keefe's P.O.V.

"Dude, stop." I tell Fitz for the thousandth time today. "No, not until you ask her out." I push my ever so glorious hair out of my eyes and make eye contact with Fitz. "Why do you insist on me asking her out? Aren't you the one who's supposed to like her and then you guys start dating and then you're having your third child." I shout out in frustration.

All of this dating and asking out and who likes who is getting too much and now all I want is to just be me and her. "Okay, first of all, I'm going to marry Linh. I've already decided that even if she hasn't even said yes, but don't you think you're being a bit dramatic? Plus, who else would she like? Tam?"

My head snaps to Fitz from looking off into the distance. "Oh hell no. We may be cool and all but I am not losing to Bangs Boy."  Yeah I still call him that but that's just how our friendship is, if you could call that a friendship. "See?" Fitz gestures.

I huff and nod. "Fine. But I'm doing this for me. Not for anybody else." I make that point clear and Fitz nods with me. This is why he's my best friend.

1 Week Later

Keefe's P.O.V.

"Keefe, it's been a week already. You guys should be going out on your date by now. I should be giving you the best friend talk saying if you hurt her I will kill you! What happened?" I groan before closing the door to my room no doubt making the enormous tower  echo.

"Trust me bro, if I wanted to ask her out, I would've already." Fitz makes outrageous hand motions saying 'Well then why don't you?!'

"Fine. Fine. I'll go right now." I get up from my comfortable spot at my desk and make my way up to the leapmaster. "Havenfield!" The feathery feeling teleports me to the green fields of the animal sanctuary.

"Keefe!" I turn as Sophie shouts out my name, her voice sounding like music to my ears. "Foster, hey." I meet her halfway from where she was coming from. "What are you doing here? Wait, were we supposed to hang out?- oh my god I can't believe I forgot I'm so sorry."

I chuckle. "It's okay Foster, it's nothing like that actually. I kinda wanted to ask you something." I look down a bit and push a hand through my hair. Licking my lips a bit, I look up and see her big brown eyes looking up at me.

"You're so beautiful." I swear that slipped out. Sophie's eyes widen. Shoot, she heard that. I guess it's now or never. "And um, on that note, maybe... go out sometime. Like not as friends but, you know. As like a date?" My sentence ends up as a question but what really mattered was her answer.

We stare into each other's eyes, my question still lingering in the air waiting for an answer. "Yes." My shoulders relax just a little bit more and I start to smirk just a bit.

"Really?" She smiles timidly and nods. "Yeah. I like you, Keefe." I feel my smirk turn into a smile. 'In your face, Fitz.'

3 Years Later

"Okay, I'll admit, Marvel is pretty good too. But I still like DC more." Sophie hums next to me. "I guess I can see your point, The Flash is pretty good too." The credits for Avengers: Endgame starts rolling and Sophie turns on the lights again while I exit out of the page on the laptop. 

I still question to this day why elves can't have technology like humans do but judging from what the Forbidden Cities look like right now, I suppose I can see why. I close the laptop and yawn. I hear Sophie chuckle. "Sleepy?" 

I let out a sigh and nod, closing my eyes. "Well at least change into some more comfortable clothes." We both take turns using the bathroom and I decide to deal with the consequences of not telling my dad that I'm sleeping over again. 

I'm surprised he's not used to it since I do it all the time anyways. Sophie turns the lights off and I pull her towards me. The curtains are open, letting the moonlight shine partly on her face. "To think, we wouldn't be here if it weren't for our friends." 

Sophie chuckles. "Yeah, I can still hear Biana pestering for me to confess to you." I let a smile slip onto my lips as I smile at the thought of Sophie telling me how much she likes me. "Jokes on her. Now I'm the one pestering her to choose between Tam and Dex."

"But all that really matters to me is how it turned out in the end." I look down at my adoring girlfriend, snuggling closer to me until not even a piece of paper could separate us. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" Yes, I'm conscious that I just said the "L-word". 

"Umm, yeah. When we were out that one time at the beach." Sophie looks up at me. I widen my eyes. "Wait, what-?" Had I actually said it before? And didn't realize?! To my luck, Sophie starts laughing. "Don't worry, you dork. I love you too."

A/n I started this awhile ago but I forgot about it until now and I know I ended this story a long time ago but I just can't help writing AUs for Sokeefe whenever I see prompts like these.

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