Epilogue Part 2

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Juniper's P.O.V.


"Ahh!" I scream as 2 arms wrap around my waist. I smile, immediately knowing that it was my boyfriend of almost 2 years now.

I turn around as I try to also not trip on my level 7 silver cape. I was too short for them so I had to wait to get a tailored cape. Just like mom.

Why am I so short?

Nevertheless, I smile, looking up into Preston's teal eyes. "Hey. What are you doing here? How did you get in?" I ask.

Trust me when I say it's practically impossible to sneak out of here. I probably could've but Dad wouldn't tell me.

"Your dad told me the way to get in." Preston explained. My mouth dropped open in surprise and jealousy about my dad telling Preston and not his own daughter.

'How rude.'

"Can you show me? Please, please, please?" I beg. I try giving the best puppy eyes I could muster on the spot but I guess it wasn't enough.

'He barely resisted though. I just have to work harder.' I motivate myself. "Fine, be like that. I'll figure it out one way or another." I narrow my eyes on Preston as he shrinks back in place.

"I'm sorry. But I don't want you getting caught or anything." Preston reasons. Ugh, ever since Preston graduated, there hasn't been much going on.

No parties, not that I would willingly go, no fun activities, no thrilling adventures- actually, I'll pass on that based on what I hear from stories of Mom and Dad.

And honestly, if I knew the way to sneak out of this boring place, I would just go home and steal food. Or maybe to Grandma Edaline and Grandpa Grady's house.

Her mallowmelt is the best. I'm still drooling about Grandma Edaline's mallowmelt as Preston shakes me from my thoughts.

"June? June?" Preston asks trying to get my attention. "Yeah? Oh right. What are you doing here? Not that I'm complaining. But still, it's almost curfew." I press.

"I know but we both get so busy that we can barely see each other. I just want to be with you." Preston says, hiding his face in the crook of my neck.

I smile and hug him back as he holds me around my waist. "That's true. And I also want to spend time with you too. It's been too overwhelming right now. Too many exams and tests to study for."

Preston hums in response, probably in sympathy. "But, we scant be sad. We're together so we need to catch up. So, how's trying to become an Emissary going?" I ask.

By the way he groans in response, I can tell it's hard and he's getting tired- oh sorry, my bad. Correction: Lazy.

"Is it that bad?" I grimace. 'I wanna become an Emissary too. But it looks so tiring. And I'm probably gonna procrastinate whenever I can. That's bad.'

Preston nods in response. I gesture towards the queen size bed in the middle of the dorm. Yeah, my dorm isn't that... enthusiastic about showing who I am as a person.

Plain light grey walls, Circle-shaped window, black wooden desk with too many drawers to fill paired with a white stool, and a white lovers seat in the corner.

There's 2 steps leading down to the center of the room where my bed is with its white bedspread. The floor is just black, sleek wood with white plush rugs.

I mean... there's a black wooden bookshelf with colorful books. And I'm counting that as color. So I'm good.

Preston and I lay back and cuddle into each other on the bed as he explains his Emissary training. And boy does it sound like a lot of work.

But then again, doing nothing gets you no where in life so you just gotta work for it. My motivation is just to get outta here already.

It's bad enough I have to choose a career I'm going to want to do forever, but they just had to add the cranky, strict mentors and pile loads of homework.

Cause what fun would school be without homework.

"And yeah that's it. How your work going? Still deciding on your career or just sticking to Emissary?" Preston asks. I sigh.

"I don't really know. I mean I do want to be an Emissary but there's also other jobs a want to try too." I tell him.

"Well, why can't you have 2 careers?" Preston wonders. "Well because... be-... because...." I trail off, not knowing what to say.

I look up at Preston as he looks down at me. 'Still hate that I'm too short.' I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and Preston just smiles.

"Wait, are you saying I can do 2 careers?" I ask. He nods. "Well, try 1 of them first and then if you get bored or loose interest then try the other." Preston explains.

I smile. "This is why I love you." I say before kissing him square on the lips.

"What did you say?" He asks. It takes my mind a bit to go over what I just said until I catch what Preston is talking about.

My eyes go wide. 'I never said I love you to him. And I just said it. And I meant it.' I gulp.

I smile and chuckle nervously. "I said... I love.. you?" I try to say but it ends up being a question instead of a statement.

Instead of Preston screaming his head off and running out like he just saw the Neverseen, he grins.

"Say it again." He demands. I feel my eyebrows shoot up due to surprise. "I love you?" I ask. He nods. I nod, slowly understanding.

"I love you, Preston." I state confidently. Preston grins again. "I love you, Juniper." He says back to me. I smile, liking the sound of that coming from him.

"And you mean it?" I ask shyly. I look down a bit before Preston puts his hand below my chin and guides my eyes back to his.

"I mean it. I love you." Preston says firmly. I nod, smiling shyly still.


I hear a quiet, muffled sound from the door and we rush to open it. 'Holy swissfrits. I forgot it's curfew.'

Preston and I open the door to find Master Cadence, the silver towers beacon, and my best friend Harlow standing at the door.

Over the years Master Cadence had gone soft on the kids but she was still a strict, firm beacon when she needed to be. But she really is a big softy.

"Ahh, young love." Master Cadence says as Harlow says,"Ahh, my future sister-in-law." I chuckle at both of them as Preston playfully rolls his eyes.

"But really, you kids better be going to sleep soon. I don't even wanna know how you got in here but I'm giving you 10 minutes and then you are out. Got it?" Master Cadence asks.

Preston nods and Harlow and I smile. "Got it. Good night. Aster Cadence." I say, pulling Preston into my dorm. Master cadence smiles back and bids us a good night.

"See ya in the morning." Harlow smiles as we hug and say good night to each other.

I close the door and Preston and I lay and snuggle on the bed, taking advantage of our last moments together.

"I love you, Preston." I say at the door. "I love you, Juniper." He replies. We kiss one last time and I watch Preston light leap home from my window as I smile to myself.

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