Chapter 6

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Third Person P.O.V.

Sophie and Keefe reappeared in Southern California on an empty level in the parking lot for Disneyland. "Ooh! I forgot money!" Sophie exclaimed. "Well, I don't know if this helps but I found some green paper in my pockets." Keefe said taking 20 dollar bills out.

There must've been at least 1,000 dollars in the roll of money. Sophie checked the pockets of her jeans and also found another roll of money. It was 1,000 dollars each. That was more than enough to get them both in.

Sophie grinned, excited to be back at the setting of one of her favorite childhood memories. They took the tram and waited in line for the tickets to get into Disneyland. Sophie wanted to show Keefe both Disneyland and California Adventure so they decided to go to the latter when it was night.

First, they got Fast Passes for Space Mountain. Then they went to a store and Sophie bought the regular Minnie Mouse ears while Keefe got the regular Mickey Mouse ears so they matched in a way.

Next, they went to Splash Mountain. Then it was ride after ride after ride. Until it was time to head over to California Adventure to see the water show. While in Disneyland though, they discovered a new thing where people would carry pins on a lanyard and trade pins.

So Sophie was wearing a purple lanyard with pins that had the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse characters on it. Keefe had the same pins but on a green lanyard. Once the got to the lake, they thought that standing from the bridge on top would be better than standing in the crowd below.

Sophie had been staring and admiring the scene around as she shivered a bit in her tube top. She also felt a pair of eyes staring at her, making her feel anxious. She looked at Keefe to try to tell him but found that it was him staring.

"Cold? Here, take my shirt." Keefe offered pulling off his flannel and putting it around Sophie's small shoulders. Sophie was about to protest that she wasn't cold but decided against it when she felt the warmth it emitted.

The flannel itself was a little thin but still very warm due to Keefe's body warmth. Sophie blushes and looks away until the show starts a few moments later, murmuring a 'thanks' to Keefe. They watch the show until the very end.

Although, something did happen in between that caused the couple to have the biggest smiles on their faces right now. The water show, shows scenes from different Disney movies. It so happened that there was one part where it would show a completion of princesses kissing their true love.

While watching, Keefe leaned down and whispered,"If I knew it was going to be like this, I would have came a long time ago." Sophie chuckled and shook her head in amusement. "Why? Are you trying to do what they're doing now?" Sophie teased lightly.

"Well, if you want Foster." Keefe said Before kissing Sophie right there. Standing on the bridge, in front of California Adventure's water show, in the Forbidden Cities, on a date. Hmm, what a sight.

Sophie had been surprised at first but closed her eyes like Keefe and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her as she went on her tippy toes to make it so he didn't have to bend over so much. After all, she barely reached his shoulder.

(A/n Sad life of being short 😢)

The kiss had lasted for almost a minute until they pulled back for air although neither wanted to. So, that brings us to the present. With Sophie and Keefe, interlocked hands, and grins on their faces.

All was well until Sophie realized that light leaping won't work now since it was dark out. 'You can teleport.' Sophie reminded herself. While trying to defeat the Neverseen, she learned to master her ability of teleportation and learned to teleport without having to jump off a cliff.

They climbed the stairs to an empty enough level of the parking lot and Sophie opened the void by thinking of something that gave her enough adrenaline. Like her and Keefe's kiss. That was gonna keep her up all night.

Sophie stepped into the void, pulling Keefe along with her and thought of the glimmering castle the Vacker family called home. Then in an instant, they appeared in the kitchen, scaring Della.

"My goodness! Next time try to land in the hallway or living room please." Della asked, putting a hand over her heart still recovering from the shock she was given. Sophie smiles sheepishly. "Sorry Della. I'll get that down next time." Sophie said.

Della nodded appreciatively and went back to whatever she was doing. It was around 9 in the night when Sophie and Keefe came back together and settled in Sophie's room. They had bumped into Fitz who said that Biana was hanging with Dex.

'Ooh, she be gettin' it.' Sophie thought. She then scolded herself immediately after for thinking like that. Even though it was probably true. (A/n wink wink) So there Sophie and Keefe were.

They laid in her bed, cuddling while talking and laughing at each other's corny joke every once in a while. Around 11, they had both fallen asleep. They dreamt of each other. They dreamt of a happy life and how they couldn't imagine it without the other being there. But they were.

So there they laid, in each other's arms.

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