Chapter 3

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Third Person P.O.V.

'Holy fork.' Sophie thinks as she looks at Cassius and his wife, Brida, her parents, and finally landing her eyes on Keefe Sencen standing right in front of her. 'No way my forking crush is here right now. No way it's Keefe. No way this is real.' Then a sound snaps Sophie out of her thoughts. "Oh! I can't believe this is real! It's happening!" Brida squeals, sounding very much like Biana.

{||Everglen||After The Dinner||}

"Well... that was nice." Keefe says awkwardly trying to fill in the silence. Both Sophie and Keefe had light leaped together back to Everglen after bidding farewell to their parents. Although Keefe's farewell was just a 'Don't screw up.' Sophie felt sympathetic towards Keefe when it came to his parents.

You'd think all of the stuff that happened less than a year ago would have changed something but I guess not. They now walked under the moonlit sky in the gardens of Everglen. After playing many games of Base Quest, both Sophie and Keefe had the whole format of the Vacker home memorized.

Biana and Fitz were still 'discovering' new parts of their home they never knew about. Even though Sophie and Keefe remembered finding the 'new, discovered place' a while back. But they decided to leave it.

The grass brushed against the ankles of the couple as they reached the edge of the field of grass. They continued onto the landscape of sand laid before them along with a lake. They ended up sitting on the crystal dock, dipping their feet in the lake.

All was quiet until Sophie broke the silence. "So... no Foster tonight?" Sophie asked with a small smile. She could still remember the way her first name rolled off his tongue so easily. Almost as easily as her last name. His name for her.

Keefe chuckled. "If I did, each of my parents would have smacked me in the back of my head." Sophie laughs. "I could have told them that I don't mind. I'm pretty sure they know were best friends already. Not sure Brida knew though." Sophie said, pulling her lip in a thin line.

"I sure hope Brida didn't know or else that's just cruel. Especially when she wouldn't tell either family the name of the child." Keefe said, kicking a foot in the lake below them. Sophie couldn't tell why, but deep down she was a little hurt. Would it have been that bad to be with your best friend?

"Oh. Foster, I didn't mean it that way. I just..." Keefe's shoulders slumped, almost making him look defeated. "Can I tell you something?" Keefe asks suddenly. Sophie nods hesitantly. Keefe takes a deep breath before looking Sophie in the eyes and saying,

"I like you."

"Me too." Sophie says without thinking. Keefe blinks processing Sophie's reaction. "Wait, what?" Sophie's eyes goes wide as she realizes what she just said. "I... like, you too." Sophie says slowly, smiling. Keefe smirks. "I know. I can feel it." Keefe jokes.

Sophie gives him a dead-panned look. But she couldn't blame him. He was the only Empath that could feel her feelings without touching her. And the fact the she wasn't a normal elf. Her feelings were emitted practically 10 times more the amount than a normal elf's feelings.

"Wow, way to ruin the moment." Sophie says. Keefe smiles, a genuine smile, at Sophie which she returns back. In all her years, she has never seen anything but a smirk on his face.

"So... what now?" Sophie asks. "I think this is the part where I'm supposed to ask you on a date and you smile and say yes I think. I should've studied the script more." Keefe disciplines himself. "Keefe! Fourth. Wall." Sophie scolds. "Sorry."

"Anyways, wanna go on a date with me Foster?" Keefe smiles again. Sophie smiles back and nods. "Yes Keefe. I would love to." With that, they both get up and walk back to the crystal palace that is to the Vackers.

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