Chapter 5

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Third Person P.O.V.

'Damn, are they seriously at it again? At this rate, Sokeefe will be happening within the next few days. Not that I don't want it to not happen. I mean... SOKEEFE FOREVER! I should stop talking to myself.' Biana thought as she opened the door to Sophie's room.

She had come up to wake Sophie for Dinner and found Keefe also sleeping along side her. 'They're practically a couple. I mean, just date already will ya?' Biana said to herself. Not out loud of course.

Not wanting to interrupt Sokeefe time, Biana quietly closed the door and walked back downstairs to have dinner. When she got to the dining room, Della looked up and frowned.

"Where is Sokeefe? I swear if they're doing something dangerous again, I will lock them in their rooms until Monday." Della narrowed her eyes. Biana felt her eyes widen from shock as she stared at her apparently aggressive mother.

"Woah mom. They're just taking a nap. It's this morning all over again!" Biana gushed. Though Sokeefe was cute, Biana had her own fantasies of doing these types of things with Dex.

Della nodded going back to her delicate and graceful self before the Vacker family started on their dinner. Then they all said their good nights and went to bed.

{||The Next Day||}

It was the next day when Sophie and Keefe finally woke up. Well, they had woken up after they heard Biana visit but they were 'too lazy' to get up.

*wink wink*

So Sophie and Keefe had stayed up until what must've been 1 in the morning before getting some sleep again or neither would have the energy for their date tomorrow.

Sophie yawned, spreading and stretching her arms out as she pulled herself up from her bed. She was about to get up until something- someone- pulled her back down onto the bed.

She looked down at her waist to see Keefe's arm wrapped protectively around it. Sophie blushes at the action and turned towards Keefe. "Keefe. You have to let me go." Sophie whispered.

"Nope. Sorry, I don't have the ability to do that. Maybe next time." Keefe said sleepily. Sophie chuckled and shook her head. "We have to get up so we can, go out." Sophie said the last part hesitantly.

It felt weird for her to say that they were going out on a date. Especially when they had been best friends for years now. They had gone through so much, they know everything about each other.

'So what exactly are we going on a date for if a date is when you're just getting to know somebody? Sure you get to do fun stuff too but we could do that anytime we wanted. Unless that's considered an unofficial date.' Sophie thought hard about this.

She hadn't noticed that Keefe had fully woken up and was now staring at her. "Can't we stay here Foster?" Keefe asked. "No, we should go out and do something fun. Ooh like go to an amusement park." Sophie got excited at the thought of that.

One of the many things she missed about the human world was going to the amusement parks like Disneyland. Maybe now that she was older, she could ride the big rollercoasters without getting scared. Maybe.

"Sure. But what's an amusement park?" Keefe asked. Sophie smiles in return. "You'll see when we get there. I'll just have to hail Mr. Forkle to see if he could get someone to hack our registry pendants." Sophie explained.

"Wow. Such a rebel Foster. I must finally be rubbing off on you." Keefe smirked. Sophie put down the imparter. "Maybe we shouldn't. The ideas a little careless." Sophie said thinking. Keefe reacted instantly.

"Wait! No. I want to go and see." Keefe said instantly. Sophie smiles in amusement and shrugged. "I guess one time of being rebellious wouldn't hurt." Sophie said picking her imparter back up again and hailing Mr. Forkle.

As Sophie talked to Mr. Forkle, Keefe went back to his own room to get ready. Or at least get cleaned up since they were gonna have to wear human clothes and neither had a pair right now. He went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

'Wow, the new hair lasting product I bought really works.' Keefe thought as he examined his hair. Only Keefe. Meanwhile in the next room, Sophie had finished talking to Mr. Forkle and was waiting for the human clothes to arrive.

A few seconds later, clothes for Sophie and Keefe appeared on Sophie's bed with a pop! Sophie surveyed her clothes with consisted of something that humans called a 'crop top' which was red and a pair of high waisted, light blue, ripped mom jeans.

Keefe's clothes was a plain white shirt with a red and black plaid shirt to go with it. Then there was the black jeans and red checkered Vans for both of them.

Sophie picked up Keefe's clothes and knocked on his door to deliver it to him. Keefe opened the door and excepted the clothes before telling Sophie that he would be waiting downstairs for her in 15 minutes. She nodded and went to change.

She put the clothes on and felt a little exposed with the 'crop top' which was actually a tube top. But the rest she was fine with. She actually liked the shoes and made a note to herself to ask if she could keep the Vans.

Now she had about 13 minutes to decide how to do her hair. She knew Biana and Della were out in Atlantis shopping while Alden was in his office doing emissary work with Fitz helping.

Sophie picked up one of the many elixirs that were placed on the clink counter, courtesy of Biana wanting to discreetly trying to give Sophie a makeover.

Sophie gulped it down and her hair puffed up into soft curls at the very ends of her hair. She actually looked like the older girls in her senior classes she had when she was 12 years old.

'I look like a female dog.' Sophie thought. If you know what that meant then you know what she means. Not knowing what else to do, she sighed and walked out. She had to blend in anyways so she guessed this was the best way.

She got her iPod and walked out to meet Keefe downstairs. She walked downstairs to be met with Keefe gawking at her. Sophie blushes instantly and felt exposed with nothing on her shoulders to keep her tube top up.

"Wow, just when I thought you could get even more beautiful. Once again, you've proved me wrong Foster." Keefe smiles at her. Sophie smiles back, grateful to be the one Keefe smiles for.

"Thanks. You don't look to bad yourself in those human clothes. You almost look like a regular human." Sophie chuckles. "Okay, so Mr. Forkle we have one day but that's it. So we better make this trip worth it." Sophie explained.

Keefe nodded. "So, are we going to go to this amusement park you were talking about?" Keefe asked. Sophie nodded and held up a slender wand with a crystal at the end that led to the Forbidden Cities.

"Well, here we go." Sophie said as the light hit the facet forming a light path and swished them away.

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