Extra Sokeefe Chapter Pt.2

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Sophie's P.O.V.

"Keefe!" I shout up the winding tower for what's probably the fifth time. "I think you're better off just going up yourself Miss Foster." Keefe's  stepmom advises.

I smile kindly. "Thanks. I'll go and do that." Unlike Lady Gisela, his stepmom was a complete sweetheart. How Lord Cassius managed to get together with her? I have absolutely no idea.

I guess it's just part of the Sencen charm.

I hop onto the vortinator that I've come to eventually get used to. 'Hopefully, his room is still on the 58th floor.' I mentally hope or else it's gonna be a long day trying to look for him.

Every so often, Keefe would change his room for 'inspiration' as he put it. But I guess it's true since he does have very detailed, angled pictures of his past 13 rooms.

To my luck, I find Keefe in his room on the 58th floor still. "Hey, I called for you like five times. What are you-" I get cut off by what I see.

"Are you... just laying there?" I ask. I walk over to where his head is at the right side of his bed and look down at him. I wave my hand over his eyes which don't seem to affect him.

"Hello? Anyone home?" I joke lightly knocking on his forehead. Even so he still doesn't move. He only blinks. I climb onto the bed towards the middle where his torso lies.

I poke at at until I get tired and my finger aches. What can I say, he's got some rock hard abs. I won't admit it but he does.

I huff in frustration. "Keeeeeeeeeefe." I draw out. "I'm bored. I don't know what to do ever since Biana started going out with Dex and Lihn and Fitz are together." I pout laying my chin on his chest.

'At least he's breathing.' I listen to the steady breathes fill the silence that fills the bright, warm room. I look over and he's still looking at nothing.

"Fine. I'll go see what Tam is doing." I say slowly walking out the door to get a reaction. 'Really? But he hates Tam. Is there something really wrong or does he just not care anymore?'

"Fine, I can't hang out with Tam anyways. He's always doing something." I walk over and lay down next to Keefe. 'Maybe if I try to see from his point of view, I'll understand.

I look up at the high ceiling of his bedroom and wait. Dust particles. That's all I see. Dust particles floating through the air.

I sit back up and huff throwing myself on top of Keefe now. "Keefe please just get uuuuup." I lazily say. That's when I got really desperate.

I lean up above his face and give him a kiss on the lips as if he were Snow White. Or Sleeping Beauty. Probably Sleeping Beauty.

But it worked. I felt his kiss back and smiled. "There He is." I say pulling away. I prop my head up on top of my folded hands laying on his chest. He looks at me.

"That's was the best wake up call I ever had." He smirks. "Will I be getting that every morning? If you say yes, I'll propose right here, right now." My eyes widen.

"Woah, slow down there. We're only just out of Foxfire. Take it easy. And, what?" I ask. "What do you mean,'what?'" He mimics me perfectly.

"I mean, what do you mean 'wake up call'?" I ask. He furrows his eyebrows. "I was sleeping. Couldn't you tell?" He asked.

My eyes widen while my eyes brows furrow as I look at him. "Um no. Your eyes were wide open. And you were blinking." I tell him.

He shakes his head slowly. I nod my head slowly. "Wait, unless..." I trail off not exactly wanting to finish that thought.

It was too funny if it's true. With a dash of creepy and scary if I have to wake up to this every morning. I climb off him and pull us up into a sitting position.

"Have your parents ever told you that you sleep with your eyes open?" I ask tenderly. "What?" It was his turn to ask.

"I think you just slept with your eyes open." I confirm. "Woah. That's, so cool. Do you think I can do it again? Ugh, this would've been a lot more useful back at Foxfire." He wines.

I scoff and shake my head at his child-like self. I lean up and kiss his cheek. "You're funny, you know that?" I ask. Knowing the answer, he responds anyways. "Yes, And you're definitely cuter." He says before we kiss again.

A/n I got bored.

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