AU Chapter #3

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I just realized I have 20k. Ah! Thank you!!!

Sophie's P.O.V.

You know, I was never exactly one for going to the doctors on a daily basis. I mean, it's not my fault I keep getting injured, they just need to add more warning labels.

But that wasn't the case this time. I thought it was going to be a normal checkup, just in and out like that. Okay, it was but something happened.


I walked up to the counter and signed in. "Oh, Dr. Elwin isn't in today so a new intern will be treating you today." The lady said at the front desk. I nodded and thanked her before taking a seat.

I'm not gonna lie and say that I wasn't nervous. Only Dr. Elwin and a few selected others knew about my past injuries which other people would not believe if I had told them.

"Sophie Foster?" I look up and a guy around his mid-thirties looks around. I stand up and go through all the checkup stuff until I'm sitting on the bed waiting for the doctor to come.

I'm about to go on my phone when a knock sounds through the room. "Come in." I say. The door opens and a guy with blond tousled hair and blue eyes so light, they look like they were made of ice.

"Sophie?" He asks. I have no idea why but I couldn't stop myself from blushing when he said my name. "Yup. That's me." I tell him. He holds out his hand and it takes all of my willpower to make my palms not sweat as I shake it.

"Keefe. Keefe Sencen. I'll be filling in for Dr. Elwin today. So, you're just here for your daily checkup, is that right?" I nod, my heart beating like it might never beat again.

Why am I so nervous? He's just a good looking doctor who might very soon be judging me based on my medical history. "Okay, lets see. Oh. Oh. Huh. Wow. Okay, um, oh." His eyes wander around the computer screen and I look away.

"Interesting medical history you got here Foster. Oh, sorry. That kind of slipped out." Keefe gives me an apologetic look and I smile with my lips screwed tight together.

"It's fine. And yeah, you could say I'm like a magnet for catastrophe." I chuckle nervously, not knowing what else to say. Well, it's not like I was going to date him or anything. He's just a cute guy. A really cute guy.

"Okay, well, lets check your heart rate so we can both get out of here. I'm sure it's been a long day." I chuckle along with him. Uh oh. As if my heart went already beating fast enough.

Keefe takes off his stethoscope and presses it against my heart. "Hmm, a little... faster than normal." Oh god, he's smirking. He knows. 'Abort mission. Abort mission.'

Wait, I can't 'abort' a doctors checkup. Can I? "Well, everything seems to be normal. I know this may be a little weird but are there any questions that you have for me?" He asks. I gulp and the pounding of my heart has gotten so loud that I can hear it in my ears.

"Oh, um nope. It's fine. I don't have any questions thank you." I rush out with a smile at the end. 'My face must look like after that marathon I ran with Tam 2 years ago.' Still hate him for that to this day. I can still hear Biana's laugh ringing in my ears when she saw me finish last and completely out of breath.

"Okay, well, I guess if you're not going, I will. Are you doing anything after this?" Keefe sat in the chair with the computer to the side of his face and his hands fiddling in his lap. "No." I manage to get out.

Is this it? Am I being asked out? By a cute guy nonetheless?

"Would you maybe consider getting dinner with me? Lady's choice." He rushes the last part. I don't think I've ever smiled so big in my life other than the time I saw Dex's baby pictures.

"Yea-um. Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that." I look down to cover my red cheeks with my hair. "Great. Um, Miss." Keefe holds the door open for me and I get off the table with my stuff. "Why thank you kind sir." I smile up at him.

"My pleasure, Foster." He smirked.  

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