[3] Awake

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*Second Person POV*

         You groaned and shifted wherever you lay. You felt sore everywhere. You still wanted to go back to sleep, but your body wasn't letting you. So you decided to open your eyes. You had to squint them at first because you weren't used to the light around you. Once your eyes adjusted, you see you're in a brown wooden bed in a small room. Nothing much decorated the room, only one desk sat to the right of the bed.

        Where am I?

       You tried to remember how you got here, but nothing surfaced. You then decided to get up so you could explore and maybe find answers. But as you tried to push yourself up with your right arm, you hiss in pain and flop back down on your back.

You turn your head to look at your right arm. From under your sleeve, you can see bandages poking out. You pull up your sleeve to find the bandages traveling up your arm and stopping at your elbow.

        What happened?

        You tried to get up again. This time using your left to prop yourself up. You then toss the blankets off you and swing your legs over the bed.

Just as you stand up, you wince from a sudden heavy migraine. You put a hand to your head to feel a bandage wrapped around it too.

        Why am I so injured?

You manage to slowly stumble to the room's door. You hear voices on the other side of it. Curious, you silently open the door a crack to see. You see that no one is directly outside the door. So you poke your head out and look around. Then you manage to find where the voices are coming from. A wide young man wearing a all fur shirt and a small helmet on his head, and a stout looking man with a curved horn helmet resting on his. Are bickering with each other with their backs turned to you.

        "Why are we just standing around here!?" The stout one yelled.

        "Because we have to make sure he doesn't do anything!" The wide one yelled back.

        "All he's doing is sleeping! I should be flying around and not stuck here guarding a sleeping boy here with you!" The stout one poked the other.

Wait, ... guarding a sleeping boy. Do they mean, me? If they did, its probably best if I look for someone else to get answers from.

        You snuck down the opposite way down the hall as the two started to fight. Your side of the hallway held the staircase. They aren't that smart to leave their post and be on the opposite side of the hall where I could escape.

You slowly went down the steps, wincing at every sound they made. You froze when you heard more voices coming from below. You crouched down as you went down a few steps so you can see into the room. You saw a brown shaggy haired young man dressed in a complex leather suit, and it looks like he's reading something in his notebook. He's also accompanied by a young woman with braided blonde hair.

        "Looks like the repairing is going well. Good thing Mom helped out with the injured dragons, that saved us a lot of time." Said the man. The braid was currently glaring at a wall. "Astrid, are you thinking of the guy again?"

        "He could be a spy." The braid named Astrid muttered. The man sighed and closed his book.

        "Why do you think so badly of him?" He asked Astrid.

        "Because he could be another Heather, Hiccup!" She responded loudly.

        "We don't know that till he wakes up. Besides, wasn't Heather good in the end?" The young man called Hiccup smirked, crossing his arms knowing he had got her there. Astrid growled.

        "But ... Oh you get what I mean." She crossed her arms and turned away from him angrily. He sighed and put a hand on her shoulder.

        "I know you're just trying to help protect Berk. But sometimes you need to see the good in others and at least give them a chance to prove that they mean well." He said calmly. Astrid relaxed then scoffed.

        "Since when did you get so wise?" She teased and playfully shoved him. Hiccup laughed.

        Suddenly, loud frantic footsteps sounded from above.

        "Hiccup! He's gone!" Yelled a panicked voice. You look behind you to see the two who were supposed to be guarding you fall into a pile at the top of the steps. The stout one sees you as you freeze in fear.

        "There he is!" He points at you. You turn back to the ones you learned the names of. They had run up to the bottom of the steps, and they had stopped and looked at you. You stared back at them with your eyes wide, you've been caught.

        "Look who finally woke up." Astrid sneered.

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