[36] No Pain, no Gain

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A/N: Sorry for the delay, I had club meetings, school work to make up, and scholarship applications to fill out. I think I also got myself sick from staying up late trying to write, so that's fun. Anyway, here's a new chapter. Sorry its a little short.

*Second Person's POV*

"Don't you worry your head, (Y/N)! Hookfang and I will take excellent care of you," Snotlout smugly stated, leaning against his dragon. Hookfang lets out a snort and walks off, causing Snotlout to fall to the ground with a oof. "Hey!"

You let out a laugh as Snotlout glares at the back of his monstrous nightmare. Today is certainly going to be interesting, you think to yourself.

As was planned the night you and Astrid discovered the dragonroot, the dragon riders of Berk are taking shifts to watch over you. Snotlout insisted he was to take the second shift, and seeing that only the twins were the only other ones wanting to really do it, they let him have his way. You didn't mind staying with the egoistical viking, actually, you found you really don't mind much of anything right now. Ever since last night, when you finally let out all your bottled up emotions, you've been in a pleasant mood.

A small frown comes over your face. Well, almost nothing bothers you. You look to your side, where only Coblat stands loyally beside you. He notices you looking and gives you a fang-filled grin. You return the gesture with a small forced smile. The absence of another presence nags at you.

An arm slings over your shoulder and pulls you forward, causing a yelp to be torn from your lips. You stumble to regain your footing as Snotlout now drags you along. "Come on, I know Hiccup is Chief and all, but I'll show you how amazing Jorgensons can be," he declares.

You laugh nervously, not comfortable with the physical contact. The village Vikings you pass by look at the two of you strangely. One woman even murmurs to the other beside her as you two pass. You were only able to pick up the word's "Astrid's guy" and her friend's reply of "I think so". You frowned after them, confused as to whatever that meant.

"Don't listen to their gossip," Snotlout said, noticing you staring after them. "They're just jealous you're hanging out with me and they aren't."

"Right," you dragged out the word. "Um, you don't need to guide me, I can follow you just fine."

"I know," he said, still keeping an arm on your shoulders. "I'm just making sure you arrive at my place safe and sound. Can't have the Agirifa snatching you up."

"I'm just not comfortable with it, and it's not necessary." You try to discretely pull free. "We're surrounded by people in broad daylight."

Snotlout shrugs, "You never know. They could try."

You appreciate the gesture, but you really would rather he didn't go to these extreme lengths. "I understand that but-"

Cobalt, having enough of you trying to politely tell Snotlout to bug off, shoved his way right between you two. Forcing him to loose his grip on you and put himself between you two. Snotlout looks at the Icy Cold Nightfury as if he ruined a master plan of his. Cobalt smiles proudly at himself and sends you a look that says "you're welcome".

A rumbling dragon laugh sounds from Hookfang ahead, his head bouncing with each laugh. Snotlout glares at the back of his dragon.

You find yourself muffling a laugh of your own, which makes the stout viking turn a frown to you. "Sorry," you apologize, "I do appreciate it, but I think I'll do just fine with someone watching my back. I'm not helpless you know."

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