[19] Still The Second Day

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*Second Person POV*

        SPLASH! "UGH! STORMFLY!" You yell, in complaint. Stormfly, who now has a brown trout in her mouth, dragon laughs at you the best she can around the fish. She's standing about a foot deep of water in the lake. You huff and hold your arms out to your sides as you shake them, trying to get rid of the water soaked into your shirt from the splash Stormfly caused. Stormfly gets out as you start to wring out the bottom of your shirt. She pads over to the fish pile you two have made and dumps her catch with the others. Which now makes the pile hold eight in total.

         "That makes enough for all the riders. We have four more to go." You calculated, tapping a finger to your chin. Everyone was getting one fish, except for the dragons who are getting two to have something in their bellies. Besides, they fish during the flight, so they'll get plenty to eat.

        Stormfly nodded before leaping back into the water, causing another splash but not as big. You raised your arms in front of your face as a shield against the spray. "Hey! Be more care about where you splash!" You warn, laughing a bit. Stormfly squawked back at you before her head snapped up as she caught sight of her next target. She began to jump around after it trying to catch the slippery fish, it looked like a perch. You smiled at this while shaking your head before you looked down at the makeshift spear you dropped. You picked it up and looked for your own target while your mind wandered back to this morning.

        During the flight back to camp on Stormfly was silent. You felt awkward holding onto Astrid for balance, and this confused you because you hadn't felt that way on other flights. When you landed, both of you dusted with dirt and slightly bruised, the others immediately swarmed both of you. Bombing you with questions when they saw the scratch on your leg that was still bleeding.

        Astrid answered their questions that they bombarded you with, except Snotlout who was telling everyone so even before Astrid answered the first question. You pulled out a bandage from your bag on your waist and added in parts Astrid missed out as you tended to your wound. Afterwards, you found yourself still having to do fishing duty, which you were fine with because you managed to convince Astrid to have Stormfly help you.

        A flash of silver scales catches your eye, and you lock on to the moving body of a salmon. You raise your spear at the ready, following its movements with your eyes. Then as quick and as hard as you can, you stab the spear forward, impaling the fish.

        "Another catch successful!" You smile, holding the impaled fish in the air in victory. You turn to check on Stormfly to see she is waiting by the fish pile, which now has twelve fish. Stormfly had a smug look on her face.

        "Why you gotta go and ruin my victory?" You frown playfully, crossing your arms awkwardly because of the spear in your hand. Stormfly laughed before scooping up two fish into her mouth and padding away to rejoin Astrid.

        Well, look's like I'm done. You thought as you made your way to the now lit fire pit.

        "Stormfly and I finished fishing, there's enough for every rider to get one and dragon to get two." You announced, now holding the salmon over the fire to cook.

        "Yes, finally!" Snotlout shouted, running to the pile to get the fattest fish first. The twins followed close behind, pushing each other trying to get there first. While everyone else calmly walked behind them in no rush at all. Several minutes later when your salmon is now fully cooked, everyone sits around the fire to cook their fish. Except the dragons who just gobbled up their fish, and Meatlug just ate a pile of rocks she and Fishlegs gathered.

        "So, you finished your plan yet Astrid?" You asked curious, looking over at her to see she finished carving a makeshift spear and is holding an impaled perch on the end over the fire.

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