[15] Group meeting

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*Second Person POV*

        You sat at one of the wooden tables within the Great Hall, rubbing your sore right bruised shoulder from where the dragon grabbed you. It just had to be after your arm finished healing.

        Cobalt is closely by your side, on the floor. Only now did he seem to relax a bit since the incident, but he still won't go more than three feet away from you. Eyes on constant alert. Head snapping up at any sudden sound.

        Looking around you at the torch lit hall, you see the other riders in the seats around you. The twins sit next to each other at the far end of the table, across from Snotlout. Fishlegs is next to him, and you sit two seats from Fishlegs because of Cobalt taking up so much room. Hiccup stands at the front of the table with Toothless on his right, and Valka on his left. Cloudjumper stood behind her, watching her go through the Book of Dragons on the table with Hiccup. And finally, Astrid sits across from you, watching the pages of the Book of Dragons intensely. You've been like this for several minutes.

        "There, that's the one that attacked us." Astrid suddenly spoke, pointing a finger at a page in the Book of Dragons.

        "About time." Said an impatient Snotlout with crossed arms. Valka leaned over the book, as well as everyone else that leaned forward to get a better look.

        "A Sand Wraith?" Valka said, more of a question.

        "A Sand Wraith? Is it some dangerous dragon that spews sand? Cause that would be awesome!" Ruffnut shouted.

        "We could bury our enemies in sand! Or create or own island!" Tuffnut said, thinking up of plans of what they could do with it.

        "A Sand Wraith fires blasts of intense hot fire, similar to a Nightfury's plasma blast." Fishlegs explained to the twins to stop their growing ideas.

        "As long as its dangerous, and can destroy stuff." Ruffnut crazily smiled. Astrid rolled her eyes at them before turning to Hiccup.

        "Where did it come from?" She asked him. Hiccup responded by looking back down at the book.

        "Its supposed to live in dry, sandy areas, but..." Hiccup paused. "Any island that houses it's environment is far from here. So why in Thor's name is it here?" Hiccup shook his head, unable to entirely grasp why.

        "Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it tried to take (Y/N), like Astrid told us about." Valka offered. Hiccup nodded in agreement, and turned to face you. Everyone else's gaze followed suit. You shifted uncomfortably from all the stares.

        "Keeping anything from us?" Astrid asks, looking you straight in the eyes. You stayed quiet for a moment, taking in all their stares filled with curiosity. When your gaze locked with Astrid, and you saw her questioning, hard look. You sighed, knowing it was the right thing to do to tell them about your dream.

        "Yes," you replied quietly. Earning a ripple of surprised and shocked stares from the others.

        "Ooooh, the secret surfaces." Randomly spoke up Ruffnut. Making a gesture with her hands in front of her, while moving all her fingers.

        "Well..." Astrid pushed, gaze still locked on you.

        "We need to know so we can understand the situation more." Hiccup added. You looked between them, then looked down at the table. Feeling like the day you first woke up, being interrogated again.

        "I saw the Sand Wraith in my dream. I think... I may have remembered something about my past," you explained.

        "Really?! That great! What is it?" Hiccup smiled, and so did Toothless with his toothless smile.

        "Well, its only a small memory." You say, rubbing your arm.

        "Well, come on then! Tell us what its about!" Snotlout rudely and suddenly spoke up. He got a glare from Valka, Hiccup, Toothless, and Cobalt for that. And out of the corner of your eye, you saw Astrid too. Snotlout chuckled nervously and backed off into his seat.

        You smile thankfully at them, before diving in to explaining the dream you had. Not sparing a single detail. (I'm too lazy to recap, and I don't think you guys want to read about what you already know soo .... yeah) When you had finished, you looked at everyone's thoughtful expressions around you. Well,... everyone but the twins who seemed to zone out the whole time.

        "So the Sand Wraith that attacked you, is connected to where you may have lived before?" Valka asked, making sure she got her facts straight.

        "Yeah, but that's all I know." You answered, shrugging your shoulders as you did.

        "Well this dragon is still a threat if it intends to cause problems for Berk." Hiccup announced, bringing everyone's attention back to him. "I think we shou-"

        Shouting and a loud roar sounded outside the Great Hall doors, cutting off Hiccup's sentence. Hiccup was the first to react, along with Toothless on his tail. Astrid was next, followed by everyone else. You were the last to reach the door when they opened it. Watching as the Riders suddenly got in a defense position, which made you curious to what's outside. You had to push Tuffnut to the side a little so you could see what's in front of them, and what you saw, stopped you in your tracks.

        For right in front of you, is a foreign dragon rider sitting on the very Sand Wraith that attacked you.

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