[39] So... About Astrid

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A/N: Long time no see, huh? What's it been now? Over a year? Time sure flies. I want to apologize for being gone so long. I didn't expect college to suck out all my motivation that bad. However, there is some good news. I didn't want to leave you all hanging again, so I wrote about 6 chapters in advance. I will be putting them out every Friday. I'm currently writing the final two chapters of this book, and I hope to have them done by the time I run through my backlog. So look forward to that.

P.S: I have something I've been mulling over for quite some time. It's about Cobalt being a Icy Cold Nightfury. It adds nothing to the plot, and I've been wanting to change him to a Woolly Howl. But, you all are the ones who have been following this book for so long, so I'll put the vote up to you. Please take this poll, it will only take a minute of your time. I need to know what your opinions are on this matter. https://quotev.com/quiz/11673486

Alright, with that out of the way, I'll let you get on with reading this chapter. I hope you enjoy it. :)

*Second Person's POV*

        The morning sky is a cloudy grey, the air is cool without the light of the sun. A gentle wind blows through, carrying the faint scent of the sea with it. It goes well with the current atmosphere.

        Hiccup and you walk side by side, your dragons following behind you, save Zandra in the sky. An awkward silence hangs between you. Despite the fact you live with Hiccup, you've never really talked much. He was always busy out in the village, and when he wasn't, he was neck deep in papers at home. Now that you're saddled with him, you don't know where to even begin to form a closer relationship. Sadly, you don't have Caroline around either since she is taking Hiccup's shifts surveilling Berk for the Agirifa.

        Hiccup picked you up from the twins not too long ago. Due to Valka insisting she cares for chief duties for today while he focuses on watching you, most likely a ploy to get him to take a break. He doesn't really have anything planned for today, so he's heading back to his house with you. It's a huge contrast to the wild day you had yesterday being out and about with the twins.

        "Here we are. Welcome back to home sweet home," Hiccup announces, gesturing to his home in front of you two. "Uhh, there's just one problem though. Zandra won't be able to fit through my door."

        At that moment, a gust of wind hits you, throwing specks of dirt everywhere. Zandra lands behind you, looking at the house. She lets out an irritated snort, narrowing her eyes at it, then turning to you. She doesn't like being separated from you.

        You smile reassuringly at her, raising your hands up to her. She lowers her head so you can cradle it between your hands, "I know you hate staying outside, but you don't fit. It's okay, I'm not that far away." You stroke her brown scales.

        She lets out a begrudging gurgle, not happy, but she's not going to complain. She pulls away from your hands and settles down by the house.

        With that sorted, you, Cobalt, Toothless, and Hiccup enter his home. It looks exactly the same as the last time you stayed here. Only one thing has changed.

        "You finally picked up all those papers?" The tables that would normally hold scattered papers of an assortment of things were now gone.

        "Mom took most of it with her because she didn't trust I wouldn't work on them," Hiccup frowned at the offending empty tables.

        You snickered, "Let's be honest, you probably would have."

        "Pssht... No, I wouldn't," Hiccup tried to brush off with a totally convincing smile.

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