[33] Root of the Problem

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A/N: In the picture, ignore the Viking. The picture serves only as a visual of the dragonroot. I also figured out how to dedicate chapters to people. So I decided to dedicate the chapter to an wonderful reader of mine that is responsible for this book being up on wattpad. You can thank them for the story being available on here. :3

*Second Person's POV*

        You let out a tired yawn, not bothering to try and hide it. You feel exhausted, and you are not the only one. Loud snores coming from beside you sound from your Icy Cold Nightfury fast asleep. If you weren't so tired, you would find his sleeping position incredibly amusing. Cobalt's head is resting on the bench surrounding one of the long tables in the great hall. He's not even supporting his weight by at least putting his forelegs up there, so his forelegs are just hanging limp at his side. Not to mention his body is on it's side as it curls around where you stand.  All in all, his position looks rather uncomfortable, but he doesn't seem to care.

        Cobalt isn't the only one as tired as you. Astrid, who is standing beside you, looks like she'd rather be sleeping right now. You can see the beginnings of bags under her half-lidded eyes. Her posture is slouched, and her movements altogether are slow. Her dragon lies asleep as well, by the large doors of the great hall.

        You force your foggy mind to turn it's gears and focus back in on what's going on. Taking note of everyone gathered around the very table you all were discussing about the Sand Wraith that tried to abduct you once.

        "How did someone bring that huge piece of dragonroot to Berk without us noticing?!" Snotlout yelled, waving his arms in the air.

        "I'm not sure," Hiccup shook his head as he looked down at the table, at a loss.

        "I'm more concerned about how they even got it here in the first place," Fishlegs said, looking worried. "Dragonroot doesn't naturally grow on Berk, so it had to come from somewhere else."

        "Well in my opinion, I think they picked a horrible spot to dump the dragonroot." Ruffnut crossed her arms, with a frown. "If I had dragonroot, I would put it where is would cause more chaos for me to watch, like the village!" She pounded a fist into the palm of her hand, smiling mischievously at the idea.

        "Yeah! They picked the lamest spot! They only effected one dragon, one!" Tuffnut exclaimed as he held up a finger.

        "That is rather strange," Hiccup trailed off in thought.

        "Obviously, whoever put it there meant to cause harm," Caroline added with a frown. "We're lucky (Y/N) and Astrid found it before more dragons were effected."

       Valka turned to look at you from her spot next to Hiccup at the head of the table. "(Y/N), do you remember what time you noticed something was off in the wilderness?"

        You shrugged, "I'm not entirely sure, I wasn't really paying attention. Cobalt was actually the one to notice it first. He woke me up, looking uneasy about something, so I joined him in his investigation."

        "I was out on my roof before I saw (Y/N) leave," Astrid stepped forward. "The moon was a little past it's peak, so it must have been a little past midnight."

        "I'm still surprised I didn't hear you sneak out," Caroline sheepishly rubbed the back of her head with a smile. "I'm usually more vigilant."

        "It's fine," you waved her off. "You must have been tired from the race, like Hiccup."

        "You look pretty beat right now yourself," Caroline smirked at you. "Your hair is a bird's nest," she laughed.

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