[11] The Rider

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*Second person POV*

        You gulped in fear at the white eyes staring you down. You couldn't move out from under the dragon's strong and heavy grip. So all you could do was stare back, eyes wide in fear. You don't know how long you stared into those eyes, minutes, seconds? Till the dragon did something quite unexpected.

        It licked you. On. The. Face.

        You felt disgusted, but at the same time. A little... happy? Then the dragon gave you more slobbery dragons kisses. Nope, now that's disgust.

        "Ugh! Stop! That's gross!" You protested, trying to push the heavy dragon off you. The dragon let out a purring sound as they finally got off of you. Letting you scramble to your feet and shake the dragon saliva off.

        You make sounds of disgust as you flung off the spit, looking up and glaring at the dragon. The dragon made a laughing like sound, and looked at you with rounder, softer eyes. The pupils have widened, much like Toothless's when he's happy. Now that you are wiping off the last of the gooey disgusting stuff. You are able to clearly look at the dragon.

        It looks like a Nightfury, but different. Instead of the black Nightfury color, the dragon is a light blue color. Darker blue marking also decorated the dragon's scales (The pic). And finally, a leather saddle that rested upon its back.

        You eyed it curiously, and began to walk towards the dragon slowly. So you wouldn't startle it. You wanted to get a closer look at the saddle. The dragon only watched you approach slowly, as if it knows you're not a threat. Once you got within the dragon's reach, you looked upon the saddle. Your eyes widened as you see the symbol of your bracelet burned into the leather. There was a small hunch in the back of your mind, as you started to piece things together. You had to make sure.

        "Where is your rider?" You asked hesitantly. The white eyes seemed to light up, and the dragon made a gurgling sound. Before it nudged you in the side with its head. Then they looked back up at your eyes expectantly. You looked down at the strange over-sized necklace, and understanding flowed over you.

        "I'm the rider?" You asked looking back up. The dragon nodded they're head and smiled a toothless grin. You couldn't help but smile too. But also, you were ecstatic about this. You had a dragon! You are a dragon rider! And not just any dragon! A Nightfury! Your smile grew wider as these thoughts raced about your head. You then looked back down at the dragon's necklace, then back at the dragon itself.

        "May I?" You smiled. The dragon responded by sitting up straight and tall, and playfully made a serious look. You laughed before putting the necklace back around its neck. Then a thought occurred to you.

        "Can we fly?" You asked the dragon. The dragon dropped its playful act and stood back on its four legs. Its white eyes looked back sadly at you. You were confused why until the dragon showed you its injured right wing, it held it awkwardly. You looked at its wing sadly.

        How did I not notice that the poor thing's hurt?

        You felt a pang in your heart. "Guess we both didn't come out unscathed, huh?" You dryly chuckled.

        The dragon let out another gurgling sound and looked at you, seeming to say 'Its not your fault.' You smiled sadly at the dragon and put a hand on the side of its head.

        Suddenly, the dragon whipped its head up to the sky with narrowed eyes. It let out a growl and bared its fangs. A loud thump behind you followed by a squawk told you what it was before you had even turned around.

        "You have some explaining to do (Y/N)!" The angry voice of Astrid growled as she jumped off Stormfly and began to storm over to you. Your dragon, seeing her being hostile, took Astrid as a threat, so it shoved in front of you protectively and let out a low threatening growl. Hiccup and the rest of the riders landed behind Astrid, who had stopped advancing towards you because of your dragon.

        "I-Is that a-a Nightfury?!" Fishlegs exclaimed. Hiccup had a look of utter shock, so did Toothless.

        "Its okay. They're friends." You said trying to calm your dragon. You tried to get in front of it, but it just shoved you back into their protection range. Making you fall on your butt.

        "(Y/N)!" Hiccup called to you in worry. Thinking the dragon was holding you hostage. Hiccup stepped forward slowly, hand outstretched, trying to take the gentle approach and tame the dragon. But your dragon wanted to be stubborn and only snapped at him.

        "Hiccup!" Astrid cried, before turning back to your dragon and growled, taking out her ax.

        "NO!" You yelled, running in front of your dragon. "I won't let you hurt Cobalt!" You shouted, surprising yourself. You didn't even know your dragon's name, yet you just shouted it out without thinking. I guess it also means the dragon's a boy.

        "Cobalt? Wait, are you the dragon rider we've been searching for?!" Exclaimed Snotlout.

        "Um yes, maybe...? I'm just as surprised as you are," you answered. Cobalt behind you took a step forward and growled some more. You kept him behind you by pushing him back with your good arm.

        "You still have a bit of explaining to do." Astrid growled pointing the ax at you, which made Cobalt glare at her.

        "Astrid's right. Can you tell us how you found out your a rider? And another Nightfury." Hiccup asked still looking at Cobalt in disbelief.

        "Alright, but lets get his wing taken care of first," you replied.

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