[35] Breaking Point

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait. I had trouble adjusting the chapter to this book. If you don't know, there are two versions of this book: one boys and one girls. The story varies for each version so I have to adjust it accordingly. There is a high possibility of this happening again later due to major plot points coming. But hey, the chapter is finally out for you all, please enjoy!

*Second Person POV*

       "Astrid, it's great to see your face again!" A young man laughs and claps Astrid on the back.

        Astrid smirks looking up at him, "Hello to you too, Eret." Eret himself is a muscular guy, his beefy, scarred arms can tell you that much. He wears a confident smirk, a blue tattoo on his chin constantly draws your eye.

        "Who are the new faces?" Eret looks to you and Caroline behind the female rider. Crossing his arms over his sleeveless furry vest.

        "Oh, these are some new friends," Astrid gestures to you two. "Caroline and (Y/N)."

        Eret nods, "Nice to meet you. Anyway, Astrid, I assume you're here on Hiccup's behalf?"

        "Yeah," Astrid nods. "It's only sorting out the items the traders are bringing in. It's nothing I can't handle for Hiccup. This will probably take a while though." She turned to Varor, "You guys might want to hang back, but stay close."

        "Don't worry Astrid," Caroline rolled her eyes. "We will." Astrid nodded, satisfied with that answer. She turns back and picks up a conversation with Eret as you all head over to the boats. You couldn't help but look around. The dock's walkways are not that big. Well, not big enough for a large timberjack to walk around. You had to leave Zandra back on land, where if you looked over, you can still see her honey eyes following your form as she sits there. Cobalt, Tawni, and Stormfly could still stick around though, being decent sized dragons. The docks are much like the market area in the village. There's energy in the air and a sense of hustle and bustle. Vikings walking by and going about their business. Mostly fishermen bringing in their catch or getting ready to set out. Even dragons are flying around carrying huge nets filled with barrels from the ships. The scent of fish and salt of the sea blows through the air from the ocean breeze.

        Astrid eventually comes up to a group of people waiting by various crates filled with items. As soon as she arrives, they are on her like terrible terrors to treats. Astrid quickly steps back and takes on an authoritative tone that demanded people's attention. Easily getting the traders to back off and explain what they have.

        "Looks like Astrid has this covered," Caroline remarks, putting her hands behind her head.

        You nod in response but say nothing. Only fiddling with your bracelet as you watch Astrid handle things.

        Caroline glances over at you, "Okay, what's wrong?"

        "Nothing," you reply shortly.

        "(Y/N), even without your memory I can still read you like an open book. Something is obviously bothering you." Caroline drops her arms and stares at you evenly.

        Cobalt nudges your side, giving you a comforting gurgle. You pet his head, causing him to lean into your touch. "Well, since the new memory. I've... kinda been wondering what else was our home's like."

        Caroline laughs, "You could've just asked me. It's not like I'm bound by our vow to not talk about things like that."

        "So," you press, "What was it like?"

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