[38] Twin Trouble

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A/N: Finally, I have been freed from the bonds of school! It's summer time, and I think you all know what that means. More time on my hands to throw at writing! Which I will try to diligently work on since I really want to try and finish this book this year. Everything has been planned out for awhile, but now I just need to reach home stretch.
Also, have any of you all seen the new poster and trailer for the third movie? I'm certainly excited for what is to come!
By the way guys, like wow. Recently I've been flooded with notifications of votes on my chapters. It's mind blowing! Like, thank you all! I really appreciate it. I'm still surprised by all the support you all have been showing me. It means a lot, I mean it. It does wonders for my motivation and makes me more eager to get through the next chapters.
Anyway, enough of my chitchat, here's a new chapter to start off the summer.

*Second Person's POV*

        As every other day, you meet with Hiccup in the Great Hall. Fishlegs has dropped you off for the next person to look after you. Unlike every other day, Astrid is standing in for Hiccup and only one option remains.

        "I'm not sure about this," Astrid looked very uncertain about her options.

        An arm is slung over your shoulders, as the grinning face of Ruffnut comes into your view. "Come on, everyone is getting a turn. Only us and Hiccup haven't gone, and he's busy."

        Another arm came from the opposite side, making you nearly stumble as Tuffnut joined in the side hugs. "Don't worry, Astrid. He's in good hands. Nothing will get past us!" He bodily declares.

        Astrid looked at you for your opinion. You smile awkwardly between the twins. You don't deny that having these two as bodyguards is not very assuring. To be honest, you are counting more on your dragons to make sure you are safe if they get distracted.

        The sound of the Great Hall doors opening catches your attention. "Don't forget I'll be around too," Caroline strolls on in with Tawni not far behind her.

        Astrid's face immediately brightens up with relief. "Glad to see you could make it. Did you finish patrolling?"

        Caroline nodded, "I'm finished, just in time too it seems." Caroline stopped just beside you and the twins, raising a teasing brow at your situation. You playfully glare at her.

        Astrid looks back over to the hopeful twins on either side of you. She eyes them, not entirely swayed, but she doesn't really have much alternatives. "Alright, fine. Hiccup wanted to watch him, but you can watch over (Y/N) today. Mainly because I trust Caroline to help."

        The twins cheered, throwing their arms into the air, nearly hitting you in the head if you hadn't flinched away. Astrid rolls her eyes at this behavior, crossing her arms.

        Two different, but similar arms hook around yours and yank you backwards off your feet. You yelp in surprise and fail to regain footing as you're dragged towards the Hall's doors.

        "We'll take good care of your boyfriend!" Ruffnut shouted back to Astrid . Your eyes widen in surprise, as well as Astrid's and Caroline's. You feel heat bombard your cheeks. Astrid open and closes her mouth with indistinct sounds coming out, and you notice a pink hue taint her cheeks before the Great Hall doors block your view.

        Having stopped struggling from shock over that comment, the twins easily carry you down the steps. Dropping you back on your feet.

        Tuffnut leans an arm on your shoulder, looking at his sister, "Nice one, Sis! Her face was priceless!"

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