[45] A Trip Down Memory Lane

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*Second Person POV*

Everything is in a haze. It's blurry, and thoughts are hard to grasp. You're doing something, but you don't know what. Shapes and colors blend in your surroundings. The only thing that particularly stands out is the fact that it is incredibly cold, and you are being held by strong arms.

There is noise around you, but it's muffled. You hear gurgles and roars of dragons. You love dragons.

You feel yourself be placed down on the ground. The ground feels rough like stone, and it's cold. You don't like it all that much. You wanna be picked back up.

A gentle motherly voice soothes you. You can't make out any words, but you get the distinct feeling she wants you to look for something here. You accept the challenge.

Getting to your wobbly feet, you hobble around. There are lots of cool things here to see. A ton of very pretty rocks that are half the size of you. You looked at some, but decided that they weren't for you. There were nicer ones.

Then one rock takes your attention, and it's so crystal clear compared to the rest. Clearing away some of the haze in your mind by just looking upon it. It's a light blue dragon egg with a large scaly pattern on it. Sitting in some snow inside this dark cave.

You look back, and now you can see two adult figures towering over your young self. Watching you carefully. One of them smiles reassuringly.

You grin back before walking over to the egg. You touch it, and it feels cold and smooth. You decide you like this egg a lot and you hug it.

Moments become hazy again. Though you have the idea that time has passed by. And there is a feeling of childish impatience.

A distinct crack pierces through the fog, and once again things become clearer. You are now in a cozy home. Sitting beside a fire and staring at a basket where your egg is nestled. There is now a crack on its surface.

The egg shifts as the crack becomes larger. You clap excitedly with your tiny hands. A male voice laughs at your excitement somewhere in the room.

Slowly but surely, the egg gains more cracks. It moves more frequently, and whatever is inside hits harder. Seeming to be as impatient as you to see the egg crack open.

There's one final jerk of sharp movement from the egg, and the top portion comes off in a big chunk. A head lifts itself from the egg, the top portion still on it's little head. Big white eyes open and lock onto you. Eyes dilated in curiosity. The dragon leans forward to get a better look, but only succeeds in making the egg lean forward and fall straight out of the basket.

The rest of the egg shell shatters, leaving a small baby Icy Nightfury splayed out on the floor. It's fur is the same light color as it's egg. You loved them upon first sight.


Cobalt, now the size of a wolf barrels into you. You hear your own childish laughter as you fall onto your back. He tries to lick your face. You squeal and use your arms to keep him back.

"Ack! No licking! That's disgusting," you yell. A laugh bouncing your voice.

Cobalt doesn't stop her onslaught. A wide fanged grin on his face. A larger furry form looms over you both. Cobalt is plucked off of you gently by his tail. He roars in protest as a much, much larger dragon holds him up in their mouth.

It's a Woolly Howl with a beautiful snow white color to their fur. Their eyes a vibrant fiery amber that matched their horns and belly. They let out an amused coo at Cobalt glaring back at them.

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