[30] Who Will Win?

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*Second Person POV*

The disappointment you felt vanished instantly, "Surprise?"

A whoosh of air flies past you, messing up your (H/C) hair because of it. A flash of brown scales told you that Tawni just dived passed you and Cobalt in the air.

        You look over the shoulder of your Icy Cold Nightfury to see Caroline dismount the Sand Wraith. Caroline looks up at you with a teasing smile. "Well, are you going to stay up there or are you coming down to find out?"

        You lift your head and look around at the air around you, everyone has already landed but you. Heat rushes to the back of your neck in embarrassment. Cobalt comes to your aid by gently gliding down to land beside Tawni. He lands without a hitch.

"Now that (Y/N) and Cobalt can properly fly," Hiccup says as he clasps his hands together. "We can now do the race we've all planned to do," Hiccup smiled.

"Finally!" Shouts Snotlout, exasperated. "I was beginning to think I wouldn't get to show off my amazing skills."

"Well, me and Ruffnut have improved our skills as well. This time we'll beat you instead!" Tuffnut challenged the cocky viking.

"Hey Astrid, do you think you'll beat Hiccup this time?" Fishlegs said. You actually forgot he was there since he just spectated with Hiccup on the ground.

Astrid shrugged, scratching Stormfly behind the quills. "I always plan to."

"What about Caroline and (Y/N)?" Ruffnut added. She smirked and crossed her arms, "I bet their dragons could take you on Hiccup."

"You know," Fishlegs put a hand to his chin, eyeing Tawni and Cobalt. "Tawni has a similar build to a Nightfury, and Cobalt practically is one. They could be just as fast."

"Well," Caroline patted Tawni neck. "We won't know till we race."

"Yeah?! Why are we still talking when we could be kicking each other's butts?!" Ruffnut cheered, eager to race.

Astrid smirked and rested her blue gaze one you, "Are you up for a race?"

You couldn't help the smile that broke out on your face, or the spark of competitiveness ignite in your eyes. "Yes," you answered.

Third Person's POV

The sun shines down on the rocky cliff as the wind makes the leaves on the forest behind it sway like waves. The ocean crashes below with loud roars against the rocky cliff face. Ahead lies several large sea stacks that stick out from the ocean's waters. While behind rests a steep mountain with it's peaks sprinkled with snow. On the cliff stands seven dragons plus one large one that hovers in the air above them, each carrying a rider on it's back.

"Is everyone ready?!" Called a woman heavily covered in leather, sitting atop the Stormcutter that hovers over everyone. A chorus of 'yeah's and 'yes's answers her. "All right then. On your marks, get ready, get set." She pauses. The dragons below her bunch up their muscles, opening their wings slightly in anticipation. "Go!"

All at once, the seven dragons leap from the cliff and snap open their wings. The two-headed Zippleback immediately veered sideways and the blonde, braided rider of the Deadly Nadder dove to avoid it. However, the Monstrous Nightmare's rider was oblivious to the threat and was slammed by the Zippleback. The rider yelled out his angered exclamations as the twins riding the Zippleback merely laughed and pulled ahead.

Meanwhile, the braided blonde known as Astrid, quickly flew to the front of the group as she tailed the prosthetic tail of the Nightfury. His rider, Hiccup, looked back to survey everyone's current places as they headed for the maze of sea stacks. In the back is the angered rider, Snotlout, looking determined to pass the wide built viking atop the Gronckle. Ahead of them is the blonde twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut as they struggle to throw off the two dragons near them. The female, black haired rider easily doges all attempts on top of her Sand Wraith. While the (H/C), (H/L) haired male pushes his Icy Cold Nightfury to get out of the danger zone. Finally, Hiccup locks gazes with the fierce, blue eyes of Astrid not too far behind him.

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