[7] Stalked

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*Second Person POV*

       "(Y/N). Wake up." Said Astrid's voice bluntly. You could feel her poking you in the shoulder. Your mind was to clouded with sleep to question why Astrid was waking you and not Hiccup.

       "Five more minutes..." You groaned, turning over with your back to her.

       "Get up sleepy head." Astrid said with a smirk in her voice, now back at her poking. You let out a grumpy "hgnnn" and pulled the blanket over your head.

       "Come on. Hiccup wanted me to show you where we do dragon training while he has some errands to run." Astird said. You lowered your blanket and turned back to look at her.

       "Dragon training?" You yawned, rubbing one of your eyes.

        "Yes, now get up before I use drastic measures." She replied walking out the door and closed it behind her. After a moment. You managed to muster up some inner strength to make yourself get out from under the covers. You looked down at the bag from yesterday as you ran a hand through your (H/C) hair. Remembering when you rushed downstairs last night and told Hiccup about the bag.


        "Hiccup!" You yell as you stomp down the steps loudly. Thankfully, Hiccup is still in the kitchen, looking like he had just finished heating up a plate of food with Toothless's help. Hiccup looked at you weirdly, confused on where this sudden urgency came from.

        "What's wrong?" he asked, putting his food down on a table. Toothless went behind his back to sniff the food Hiccup had prepared for himself. Most likely meat telling by the look on Toothless's scaly face.

        "Someone dropped by the guest room I'm staying in and dropped off a bag." You explained the situation.

        Hiccup's gaze hardens at this, and without hesitation, he walked pass you to head to the stairway. After watching Hiccup's figure retreat upstairs, you turned to face forward again. Where you caught a certain Nightfury in mid-lick above Hiccup's plate of food.

       "Toothless!" Hiccup's voice floated down the steps. Toothless quickly snagged and swallowed the last morsel of meat from the plate before padding up the stairs.

        Going upstairs yourself, you found the guest room door ajar. You entered into the room to see Hiccup holding out the bag to Toothless to sniff.

        "Smell familiar boy?" Hiccup asked his dragon. Toothless continued to sniff it for a few more moments to get a better reading of its scent. Before stepping back with a puzzled expression on his face as he shook his head no. Hiccup made a thoughtful sound in his throat.

        "Anything?" You ask, making your presence known. Hiccup looks up at you, before his eyes trail down to your bracelet. He looks back to the symbol burned into the bag before setting it back down where it was. You could practically see the gears turning in his mind.

        "No, but it looks like they must be connected to you in some way. We'll just have to keep a close lookout for anything suspicious for now." Hiccup concluded, stating about what action is to be taken at this moment in time. You nodded your head in understanding. You just hoped that they decided to not visit you again during the night.


        You snap back to the present and grab your clothes from yesterday since you don't have anything else. They only supplied sleep clothes, so you would have to wash your clothes later. Once you got ready and your hair is done. You went downstairs where Astrid was waiting for you patiently. With Stormfly's head looking in from the outside. You followed Astrid outside and walked to the training area. Mainly because Astrid didn't trust you enough to let you on Stormfly

        You weren't sure what you were expecting the place to look like where they train. But you certainly weren't expecting this. A large wooden arena-like structure loomed ahead. But it wasn't the size that shocked you. It was the large spikes of ice towing high in the sky that covered parts of the structure. ( I'm using the pic above because I could not  find a pic of it from the movie. So blame the internet and my forgetfulness. Plus if I remember correctly, the Bewilderbeast had used its ice breath on Berk.)

        As you enter and pass one of the ice spikes. You curiously reach out and touch it's cold and smooth surface. Once inside the great training area. You see Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut and Tuffnut all standing in the center. Their dragons stand beside them. But the twins stand next to one dragon with two heads. You inferred that they shared the dragon. Then their bored looks of waiting landed on us. Next thing you know, the twins are surrounding you, and you feel like a sandwich.

       "So is it true you lost your memory?" Ruffnut asked.

       "Is it true you can only remember your name?" Tuffnut added.

       "How come your not afraid of dragons?" Ruffnut shoved her brother to be in front of you.

       "How come you have a Nightfury on your bracelet?" Tuffnut shoved back.

       "Give him some space!" Astrid shouted at them before she pulled them away from you. You let out a relived breath now that they weren't bombarding you with questions.

        "(Y/N) here is just going to watch since he doesn't have a dragon." Astrid said turning to the group of dragon riders. "I still don't like that he's watching us train." Astrid muttered under her breath. "Anyway, Hiccup put me in charge. No complaining or you can talk to my axe. Now, let's get to work." She said with a smile.

~~~( Time skip to you finding a seat because I'm too lazy :3 )~~~   

        You sat in a elevated seat in the training area so you could have a clear view of them training. They worked on maneuvers in the air and on the ground. Focusing their dragon's fire blasts and accuracy. Worked a bit on combat without their dragons, and even had a race to work on their dragon's speed. Astrid won with Stormfly's blinding speed. And in the end, they rewarded their dragons for their hard work with some fish.

        You loved watching them train, but you felt left out. You also felt something else the whole time you watched them. It was just this nagging feeling that someone was watching you. It made the hairs on the back of your neck rise, and goosebumps form on your arms. You've been ignoring it, thinking maybe your head injury is messing with you.

        Just then, you see movement out of the corner of your eye. In the distance, you could have sworn you saw eyes in from a corner of the arena watching you. That, or you're just jumpy and paranoid.

        "Whatcha staring at?" Astrid's voice broke you from your concentration on the spot where the eyes had been. You look over as you hear the beat of wings. Seeing Stormfly land neatly on the platform your on with a not-so-happy Astrid on her back.

        "Nothing," you answered.

        She probably wouldn't believe me if I told her. And... why does she look unhappy?

        "Hiccup made me promise to give you a ride. So, you up for it?" Astrid asked you with a blank face. Stormfly looked at you with her head cocked to the side hopefully for your answer. She didn't have to wait long.

        "Sure." You played it cool, despite the excitement bubbling up inside of you.

        "Get on then." Astrid said, staring ahead. You looked up and smiled. Then you eagerly hopped on Stormfly's back. You could see Stormfly smiling at your excitement to fly. Once you got settled, you shot one last glance at the spot where the eyes had been, you look back to Astrid to find her with a blank face. "Let's get this over with. Hang on!" She yelled.

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