Capitolo Sette.

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Fergie as Adriana Carlucci


Finally With You: Capitolo Sette

"David, why are you turning red?" Adriana peered into my face as I bit my lip, trying to keep my noises in. "N-No reason." I stuttered as I squirmed around in my seat, hating my very existence. Why did he have to turn it on? Why now? Why now in front of the two people who will notice that I'm not acting normal? Daniela clicked her tongue as she studied my shaking figure. "Well, who knows what type of man Isaiah Carlton is in bed." She shrugged. "He seems like the type of person who gets off on seeing his lover all tied up." She winked and I flared my nostril, my core aching for the need to release. 

"I thought it was suspicious how we all went to go save Raymundo from Isaiah and we all left uninjured." Daniela smirked evilly as I bit my lip even harder, taking in more air. It felt so good, the vibrations were crawling up my spine and I could feel them everywhere. "Now, if you're somebody like Isaiah Carlton, why have an ambush when you can get your hit men to do it for you?" Adriana raised an eyebrow at my appearance, a grin coursing her face. "Maybe it was all just a ruse to get you there. What do you think, huh David?" I glared at her, fighting the urge to arch my back. I couldn't speak because all that would come out would be several moans and screams. I glared at her as she smirked, liking this all too much. 

"S-Shut up, Adriana." I tried to control what came out of my mouth but it wasn't working. "This is crazy. I mean, who would've thought it would turn out like this?" I would have asked what she meant but at that moment, my phone beeped. 

You feeling alright there, tesoro?

I gritted my teeth in sheer anger at the text from Isaiah. He knew damn well just what he was doing to me. I wanted so badly to take this thing out of my ass. It was causing so much in my body. I couldn't move without my core flaring up for the need to release. My erection was poking up from my jeans and I was quaking in my boots. I was sure my face was turning red and I gripped onto the table to keep myself stable. 

I bet you want to cum right now. I bet you're burning with the need, huh mio bello?

I fought the urge to yell. This man ignited every emotion inside of me, even the dormant ones. He made me want to curse him out in 65 different languages but at the same time, he kept me level. My body was hot and burning with fervor. I needed to be touched and I only wanted his hand on me.

If you cum, I will know. You will cum by my hand and nothing else. Si, James?

God damn you, Isaiah Carlton.

Suddenly, the vibrations stopped and my prostate throbbed in need. I let out breaths as I panted, letting go of the table. "You alright there, David?" Adriana raised a knowing eyebrow as I narrowed my eyes at her. "Just fine, Adriana." I gritted my teeth as she threw back a laugh. "You really got your hands full? I'm not even mad." She folded her arms, looking at me with a deep expression. "I didn't peg Isaiah to be so into you." I furrowed my eyebrows at her statement. "Adri, what are you talking about?" I snorted, wiping the sweat away from my forehead.

"I mean, it's too early to tell but if he held you captive for only two days and then he decided to let you walk the streets free, knowing that you could go the police anytime." She shrugged. "Most mafia men are too protective over their buildings and their money and all that so why would they let someone they can't trust that well out into the open, hoping that they'll come back like normal?" I raised an eyebrow, not sure what she was getting at. "Okay and?" I murmured. "And if you're somebody like Isaiah Carlton, why would he let little ole you out into the world so easily? He's powerful but he can always have a downfall." She flipped over her blonde hair and Daniela nodded. 

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