Capitolo Tredici.

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Liam Hemsworth as Demetrios Kanzaki


Finally With You: Capitolo Tredici

"Δεν νομίζα ότι θα σε πιάσω εδώ." I snapped my neck up to see someone familiar walking towards me, his blue eyes glazing over in amusement (Didn't think I'd catch you here). I snorted a bit as I threw back the glass of liquor, savoring the way it burned my throat, much like the burning of my heart. "Hi, Demetrios." I threw a hello his way as he came and took a seat next to me at the bar. "I'm meeting John here in 15 minutes. He's running a little late." He stated and I didn't miss the way his striking blue eyes glazed over in happiness at the thought of his little Janos Joseph Cavanaugh.

It made me want to hurl because I wanted that too but I couldn't let myself fall that deep, even when I knew I already fell.

"Why are you here, David?" Demetrios tilted his head, trying to get a read of the situations. "Judging by the many bruises and hickeys I see, I would've thought you would've been in bed and not here." He smirked, flagging down the bartender. "Yeah well," I sighed, turning red in the cheeks. "When reality hits you, it's been to run than to face the music." I muttered nonchalantly, ignoring the pained feeling that was tightening itself around my heart. It felt like it was hard to breathe, yet I was breathing fine. It felt like I wanted to cry yet I felt no tears. I had woke up before Isaiah, thankfully, feeling all types of horrible. I felt scared and lonely so I left before he even noticed I was gone.

"What's wrong?" Demetrios nudged me. "The day I met you, you didn't have this aura of sadness around you." I turned my head to him, my eyes mirroring my heart and I spoke, not intending to.

"Do you ever feel like you're letting someone down because you're happy?"

Demetrios narrowed his eyes as my own widened, the mere confession exiting from my lips. I didn't want anyone else to know because they would pity me. They wouldn't understand how I feel. " this about your late wife Xiomara?" He asked quietly and I nodded, water filling my eyes and before I knew it, I was letting it all out. "It's not the fact that I don't want to be happy because I do. I want to move on." I sniffled. "But I feel like I'm letting her down! I knew she wouldn't want me to alone and moping forever but I don't know anymore!" I could feel my body shaking from the release of all my stress. I didn't know what to do with myself.

"Why do you feel that way?" Demetrios asked, pulling my glass away from me. "You said it yourself, your wife wouldn't want you to be sad anymore so what is it that's causing you to feel like she's weighing down on you like a burden?" He raised a brow and my heart stilled, coming to a striking realization. The tear that was sliding down my cheek, fell to the ground, a silent cry.

"It's because of the fact that," My voice cracked. "I'm happier than I have ever been in all of my thirty-nine years of life," I confessed my true sins, my heart feeling lighter than ever. "It's because when I'm with Isaiah, I'm on top of the world. I can do anything because," I couldn't finish my train of thought. Knowing how Xiomara Rivera was when we were married, she wouldn't want me to be sitting here crying because I felt as if I was doing her wrong. She'd want me to get off of my ass and go be happy but I can't.

"Because what?" Demetrios uttered and my head snapped to his. "Because I..." I couldn't get those words out because it's been so long since I've ever said them to anyone. Demetrios tilted his head, a knowing look in his eyes. "I think you know the answer to your question, David." He smirked. "If Isaiah makes you happy, then I'm sure he makes Xiomara happy." He said, looking me deep in the eyes. "I don't think that's what you're afraid of though." He affirmed and I gave him a look of confusion. "...huh?" I muttered. "You're afraid because you know if you find happiness with Isaiah, you won't keep the memory of Xiomara." I narrowed my eyes in suspicion, wondering if he was reading my mind.

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