Capitolo Undici.

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Romee Strjid as Daniela James


Finally With You: Capitolo Undici

"What can I do for you, David?"

My right eye twitched at the sound of my actual name mixing with that enticing accent of his. I had no idea just how much I missed his voice, my eyes traveling his riveting figure. How was it that someone so attractive and so beautiful, could be so mean? Thinking about how he got my hopes up, only to let me down. It started a fire within me and it burned throughout my whole body. I was in a rage, presumably a rage of jealousy.

I narrowed my eyes at him and he stared down at me with that annoying smirk of his. I clenched my jaw, flaring my nostrils. "What's wrong, D-" He began to say but I wasn't having it. "You got some motherfucking nerve, Isaiah Carlton." I cut him off with spiteful words, watching as the smirk fell from his lips into a grim line. No one in all of my thirty nine years of life managed to get under my skin but this man had no hard time doing it. He looked taken aback by the bite in my tone but I couldn't see past my anger.

"First, you abducted my son's boyfriend Raymundo as some sort of sick ploy and then you fucking kidnapped me as some use to your sick fucking fantasies! You claimed that you weren't going to let me go for a long time but it's clear as day to me, you didn't intend to keep that to the truth." I sighed lowly, shaking my head. I told myself not to fall. I warned myself. I looked up at him, his beautiful brown hair tousled over his left eye and his bright eyes gleaming so at me. What was it about him that I found myself having a hard time leaving?

"You had no right, Isaiah." My lip quivered as my voice cracked. My eyes watered and I hated myself for feeling so helpless against him. "You had no right..." Why was my heart feeling this way, so down, so broken? Why? I narrowed my eyes again at the pending realization. But even so, enough is enough. "So now that you're finished with me," I gripped my jacket in my hand, standing tall and proud. "I'll take my leave now." I muttered monotonously. I wasn't going to stay somewhere where I wasn't wanted.

I wasn't going to give the satisfaction that he so indeed graced but he has to learn that I wasn't the one person he could mess with. "I'm a nice and calm person, but damn it all if you think you're going to get one over on me." I scoffed sarcastically. "Goodbye, Isaiah." I shook my head, turning to leave. I wasn't going to let someone three years my junior get one up on me. No one and I repeat, no one, will get the best of me. I gave him one last look, the face of surprise and remorse fallen upon his own as I bid him goodbye. He looked like he had just been shot right in the heart.

It hurt, but it had to be done. "J-James..." I heard his voice come out in a soft tone, like he was broken upon many pieces but I refused to turn around. I had to stand my ground. I knew I was walking away from someone who was a ticking time bomb, someone who could easily kill in mere seconds just for leaving but I didn't care. I was hurting and I needed time to figure out why.

Just then, my tears fell like a river in dysphoria. This was just the end of the beginning.

I left the building, heart in my stomach as I fought with myself to hold my tears. No person, not one person would be worthy enough of seeing me cry, not even Xiomara. As I opened the door, the slam of it reminding of what I was walking away from, a cold feeling ran over me and I sighed. I continued on my path, my 2017 Camaro waiting for me. By the time I reached my vehicle that was parked outside, it had only been 2 minutes and 13 seconds. "JAMES!" I heard my voice being yelled from someone's deep voice combated with the sound of hard feet running against the pavement. "Aspettare!"

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