Capitolo Quindici.

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Viggo Mortenson as Michael McKenna


Finally With You: Capitolo Quindici

"Either you unlock this fucking door or I will break it off."

I heard a hiss coming from Isaiah's lips as Mason stared at me with a look of fear, Jesse mirroring it as he sat in the back with Isaiah. "I'd comment on your need to refrain from using curse words but I don't want you to harm me." Isaiah muttered out in a small voice, taking in my murderous expression. "You have 5 seconds to unlock this damn door before I break your fucking neck." I gritted out and Mason all but opened the door for me.

"What are you going to do, David?" I heard Jesse's voice from behind me as I stormed up the pathway to Fort Hamilton. I ignored the fast stomps of feet behind me as I busted through the entrance, not caring when the alarm went off because I didn't key myself in. There were more important things right now. My hands were shaking as I cracked my knuckles menacingly, pits of rage radiating from my body like heat on a cold day.

"David, think about what-" I raised a hand up to the people behind me, clamoring and yapping about such nonsense. "Keep your mouth shut." I demanded lowly, my voice full of seething wrath. How could someone be this way to their child? How could someone be so disgusting and filthy? All this time, all these years. I should have known when I told him my son was gay, the look of pure repulse that crossed his face. All those signs, all those rumors about him. How could someone turn away their son and not speak to them for 22 years?

I clenched my fists as I picked up my pace, eager to confront the piece of shit. Never have I ever been this mad in my life. Never have I ever felt the urge to kill someone with my bare hands like I do right now. How fucking dare he?

"James, what are you going to do?" I heard Isaiah's voice, realizing that this would be the first time he would see his sperm donor in the span of twenty-two years. The thought of it pissed me off. The fact that it was much deeper than what I originally thought, the fact that he thought his son's sexuality caused his mother's death. What kind of parent does that? It drove me insane with anger.

"Isaiah..." I gritted my teeth, clenching my fists. My heart bled for him. I wanted to pull him into my arms and let him know that I would never leave his side. Knowing that he went through all of that as a young child, it drove me even further to the edge. I stalked faster to where I knew he would be, giving a presentation. I could see my destination in sight as soldiers of the army saluted me in the hallway, ignoring the sound of the blaring alarm. I could sense hesitation from Isaiah as I inched nearer and nearer but there's no stopping what I'm about to do.

"You sick, sick son of a bitch." I growled lowly under my breath as my eye landed on the man of the hour: General Andre Carlton. He was currently leading a meeting with the lieutenant generals on future missions but it didn't strike me to care as I opened the door to the auditorium. I marched through the doorway, having realized Isaiah was following me as all of the soldiers and their significant others in the room turned to look at me. "Oi, McKenna, what are you" General Carlton narrowed his eyes at the man who was still sat in the doorway: his former son. My eyes narrowed and my blood boiled within at the look on his face. He looked so disgusted, and that did nothing more than fuel the rage that was bubbling inside of me.

My body began to convulse in vexation as I stomped towards the stage, my body controlling my actions. "You want to explain what's going on here, McKenna?" Andre whirled on me as soon as I took a step on the stage, seeing nothing but red. My eyes were full of anger as I took sight of him. His voice, the tone of his voice, oh my god, it made me livid. Like he thought he could talk down on all of us because we appeared to be inferior to him. "Just who do you think you-"

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