Capitolo Diciassette.

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David Gandy as Ramone Vega


Finally With You: Capitolo Diciasette

A bead of sweat ran down Isaiah's forehead as I sat calmly and coolly in my chair, wanting to castrate him for making me further my humiliation.

"I see," The sound of heels clicking against the floor made the pink lingerie set Isaiah forced me to wear, constrict tighter against the globes of my ass I followed the sound to see a woman standing there, her arms folded. "So you're the guy that makes my quiet as hell son scream?" She raised a brow, sipping her Earl Grey tea. "Interesting." I fought the urge to blush as I shifted in my seat, wanting to rain hell down on the man sitting next to me. I could feel his heat radiating like a furnace, his hand tracing my back as if he knew what he was doing to me. "Something like that." That intoxicating voice spoke in reply to the evil demon standing across from us.

"Oh, where are my manners?" The woman smirked deviously, walking over to shake Isaiah's hand. She flicked her long brown hair over her shoulders, her brown eyes grazing over his tall stature as she firmly grabbed his hands. "I'm the mother you should never hope to meet because I'm not as kind as my son makes me out to be." She winked playfully and I saw Isaiah swallow, probably in fear. 

"I'm Nikeeta McKenna."

Isaiah smiled with a charming grin as he nodded. "I already know who you are." My mother said as she sat down. "I recognized you the most you spoke outside to my son." She placed her tea on the table as she folded her legs over, classic diva move. "You're Isaiah Carlton, CEO, and famous mafia leader." She smirked, licking her lips. "Who doesn't know you?" I shook my head at my mother, this 64-year-old woman who still had the ability to make feel scared for things I didn't even do.

"So David James McKenna, don't think I didn't notice how unusually quiet you were." Nikeeta folded her arms, fixating her strong gaze on me and my body stilled. Even when I was thirty-nine year old, I still felt inferior to her. "Do tell me, child," She sat back in her chair, her eyes rolling over Isaiah's hand that was rubbing my knee, before looking me in the eye. "How my dear son managed to snag himself a mafia lord." She leaned down to sip her tea, her brow raised.

"Well," I cleared my throat. "We met under special circumstances." I sighed, ignoring the way her lips turned up into a grin. "He held Derek's boyfriend hostage and me being me, I helped him get him back but I had no idea that the guy I was going against," I pointed to Isaiah, who smirked in remembrance. "Was him." Nikeeta nodded, mischief floating in her eyes. "So you just happened to date the guy who was supposedly your enemy?" She shrugged and my cheeks caught on fire.

"Uh..." I began. I had no idea what we were and I didn't want to make it awkward by clarifying things. I didn't know where we stood or what this was between us because I obviously knew what I felt. "Ah yes, Nikeeta." Isaiah wrapped his arm around my waist. "I don't know how it became like this, but I'm happy it did because I can't see myself anywhere else."

"I'm not going to question how this happened because I can see it in your eyes that you're happier than you ever been," My mother leaned her head back, turning to Isaiah with death in her eyes. "But if you hurt my son, if he comes to my house crying over you," She pointed a finger at him. "Mafia man or not, I will find you and I will kill you." She gritted her teeth, narrowing her eyes. "My son's already been in love once and he thought that it would be the end for them." She flicked her gaze away to look at the portrait of Xiomara on the wall.

"Turns out, he was wrong."

Isaiah followed her line of vision and his jaw clenched as he captured my hand in his. "No need to worry, Mrs. McKenna." He nodded firmly, my mother's eyes glazing over with approval. 

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