Chapter 2

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Agatha pov

"Thank you for your time Stan Wawrinka, congratulations on the win." I smile. He returns the smile and he leaves quickly, talking to his team.

I turn off the camera and don't have any interviews scheduled for an hour. Pulling my phone out of my pocket I begin to text Jenna and ask her if she is free to walk around the grounds.

"No. I'm sorry. I have four interviews in the next hour. Enjoy you're time off for me! Btw I'm supposed to interview sascha today! I'm freaking" I chuckle at her text.

"Have fun. He is the nicest guy!" I reply before putting my phone back in my pocket.

I decide to walk alone and take in my surroundings. It truly is a beautiful city and event. The fans love every moment as much as you could. The players are well taken care of and staff and interviewers are giving great access to the grounds.

There is no doubt in my mind this is the best job I will ever have. Hopefully it will be my last job too because it is a dream.

As I look up at Rod Laver arena I am in awe. This is where finals happen and where so much of tennis history has taken place. Is this how my live will be from now on? In constant awe of my surroundings, being the tennis geek that I am?

I continue my walk around the grounds and run into some courts, watching what is taking place on them.

Time wiggles away and soon I'm back in my chair in the locker room to do an interview with Rafael Nadal. My favorite player of all time.

"Hello. How are you?" He questions with a contagious smile.

"To be honest I am very nervous. You are my favorite player" I giggle out of nerves. He smiles along with me.

"Well, thank you. Means a lot to me." He tells me.

We begin the interview and I ask him how he feels and what he will have to change for when he plays his next match. Overall the interview goes great and it was truly a bucket list moment.

The day drags on and I only have what I think is one bad interview. I just didn't have my head in the game for one. I'm still learning.

"Hey Agatha. You soon done?" Jenna questions from behind. I turn around and let out a deep breathe.

"Yeah. Wow, you scared me" I state. "You?" I question.

"Two more and I am. We should go to the hotel together and grab dinner after I'm done" she smiles. I agree and she goes back into her interview station as a man walks in.

"Miss. Baracell, we've had to change your schedule around last minute. Sorry but special request. You will have one more interview. He should be in shortly" the man tells me before walking out. I change the battery out of my camera since the one currently in is near its death.

I do the rest of my waiting by wondering who I'm interviewing and panicking. What am I going to ask? I don't even know who's about to walk in through the door, ow am I supposed to talk about the match. Jut as that thought comes to my head I get an email with all the statistics but no name. Great!

"So we meet again" I see a happy Sascha.

"I'm interviewing you? What are the odds of that?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Actually the odds are very good when I ask them to switch my interview with some Jenna Manderset to you" I'm confused initially. Why did he ask to switch. I'm not that good at this job yet that he wants me to ask the questions right?

I tell him to sit and arrange the lighting according to his position.

"Alexander, great win today. Can you talk about the tiebreak in the third set. You came back from 0-5 and ended up winning the set and eventually the match in straight sets. Does a comeback like that give you a lot of confidence?"

"Yeah I think I played well today. I didn't start the third set tiebreak the best but I got refocused and ended up winning. I'm happy I could get the win without going to a forth set. Robin Hasse is a tough opponent."

"You had very few errors on your forehand. Did you do a lot of work on that during the off season. What was the main focus during the break?"

"I've worked on all my strokes but yeah I put more focus on the forehand. Overall my main focus was getting stronger and putting on muscle. Jez Green has helped me with that and I think he did a great job. I need to be ready to go five sets to be a contender for these big matches and big tournaments."

"Congratulations Alex, you move into the second round." I say and turn the camera off.

I start packing my equipment up and this is the part where Alex leaves... only he isn't.

"So what made you want this job?" He questions.

"I love tennis. I love to travel and I love to write. This job has all three." I don't bother to turn around. I just continue to pack things into bags and he continues to stand there.

Why is he still here?

"If you love tennis so much why have I never seen you at juniors or other tournaments when I was younger. You can't be that much different in age, right?"

"I'm 19 and that's a long story. Not very interesting so I'll save you the trouble of listening to it"

"How about you tell me it over dinner?" He flirts. He's flirting? What do I do, I've never had someone flirt with me.

"I have an article to write and interviews to edit. I'm sorry" I say and leave him in the room as I go to meet Jenna by the main entrance of the venue.

Okay I know I'm new at this but that was not flirting, that was being too stupid to understand that if I ever wanted a chance with Sascha I just blew it. Way to go Ags! Way to go...

I hope you enjoy!

My heart broke today listening to the news as I heard the news of Barcelona. Not even a month ago I was in that beautiful city and I fell in love the moment my eyes saw the city in the distance on my drive in. Barcelona is in my thoughts and prayers today.

Just a friendly reminder that love is more powerful than hate and terrorism is a cowardly act


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