Chapter 27

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Sascha POV

"Come on Aggie" I throw my phone on the bed and sit down. I've tried calling her for the past 20 minutes and have gotten nowhere.

I try one more time and hear her voice.

"Aggie? How is your first week at the new job?" I perk up. I've missed her like crazy.

"It's been busy. I'm about to head out the door for a meeting with Stevie and then I have to get my filing done before I leave. I'm already running late so I'm gonna go. I'll call you when I'm on the train home. Sorry I can't talk. I love you"

"Love you-" I get cut off by the now disconnected line. "-Too" I finish. Walking out to the living room area I see Mischa and Eve.

Taking a seat next to my brother they start asking me questions about Aggie.

I sigh and don't know how to answer any of them.

For so long I felt our relationship was the most important aspect of her life and now I feel she doesn't care about me like she used to. Ever since she left to take this new job we've immediately grown distant.

I'm not saying I have to be on her mind every second of the day but it would be nice if she tried to call me and just talk for a minute. Since she left ten days ago we hardly talked. 

"I asked how her first week has been and she said she was busy and hung up. I don't know what's going on. It's like now that she works she can't even call me when she gets home. We spent six weeks alone during the off season and we talked everyday but she can't even talk for five minutes with a job."

"Just give her some time to settle in. Think about everything going on. She has to unpack all the furniture into that apartment, get familiar with a new environment, start a new job and get familiar with that space and all those people. She's probably just taking time to figure that out and then she will start communicating with us again." Eve states.

"Why did she even take the job? I thought she was happy here" Mischa asks.

"I guess she wanted something to do. She has always been a hard worker and without a job she can't really work hard at a career. I think she still thinks about her dad a lot and needs things to keep her mind busy. Without her dad we are the only family she has."

"There are a lot of women who find a well paid man and rely on him. That's how people get greedy and just expect to get handed everything. This may also be a way to keep grounded from you giving her everything. Maybe she wants that justice of earning what she has" Eve chimes in.

"I'd give her everything willingly. I'd never get sick of it but if that's what she wants I guess I have to respect her wishes." I sigh.

Aggie POV

"Hey Agatha, would you like to go out for dinner? Get to know each other better" my boss Stevie asks.

I smile, shutting down my computer. "I'd love that" I grab my purse and we head to a bar downtown.

The two of us get to know each other quite well over some beers and tacos.

After a night of talking Stevie gives me a ride back to my apartment.

"See you tomorrow" I wave and head inside.

When I take my shoes off and get changed I look at the missed calls from Sascha. I dial his number and listen to the ringing.

"Hello?" A sleepy Sascha answers.

"Sasch, I'm sorry to wake you but I got all your missed calls and just wanted to make sure everything was alright"

"Yeah I was just calling to talk. I miss talking with you Ags. I feel like we are drifting apart and I don't know if it's because your so busy or just losing interest in me" he tells me.

Those words break me.

"I'm so busy Sasch. Trust me. I would never do anything to purposefully drift apart. I just have a lot going on right now. I love you more than anything."

I can hear a smile form. "I love you too Ags. So how was your night?"

"Good. Stevie took me out to a bar for tacos and I just got home. That's why I'm calling so late"

"Oh... that's fine. Just as long as you're enjoying New York. Are you still coming to visit on the 18th?" He questions.

"And miss your birthday celebration? I'll be in Monte Carlo faster than you know" I laugh.

"It's good to hear you laugh. It's my favorite thing to hear. It's been lonely here without it. Everyone misses you, mom, dad, Mischa, Eve, Jez misses teaming up with you to make fun of me. Lövík keeps looking around for a cute brunette to come walking through the door to kiss."

I can't help but laugh and miss everyone.

"Alright well I'll let you get some sleep. Sorry to wake you. I'll try to call more. I love you Sasch"

"Love you Aggie"

We hang up and I get into bed, smiling myself to sleep with the thought of being with Sascha in two weeks.

I hope you enjoy. Thanks to glitt3r_crystal for the help. I was hoping to work on this earlier in the week but I was at the citi open. I got to see the first set of Sascha's match against Jaziri before the rain came. It was so much fun!! I also got to meet Mischa! I'm so excited for today when the Zverev brothers play against each other for the first time officially.

Can you believe I started this story one year ago today??? Thanks for all the love this year!

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter and let me know your thoughts.


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