Chapter 26

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Aggie POV

"Do we have to go?" Sascha refuses to get off the bed.

"You're the one that agreed to it. I'm just forcing you to suffer through your agreements" I sass.

Tonight we are going on a double date with Dominic Thiem and Kiki Mladenovic. They are good friends of ours and we like to hang out with each other but today is one of those days where you made plans and don't want to follow through with them, yet you have to.

Those are the worst days. I'm also not a fan of double dating. I never have been.

"I will let you do whatever you want to me if you call and tell them your sick?" He pleads.

I can't help but smile. "And why should I be the one to cancel if you're so adamant about not going?" He ignores the question, continuing to watch soccer.

"Sascha. Get up and get dressed." I become fed up. "How about this? If it's that bad we can say we have to leave because you have an early practice tomorrow or something." I suggest.

He gets up and changes into jeans and a black button down. I put a pink dress on. Doing my make up and curling my hair, I put the finishing touches to my appearance as I look in the middle.

"Everyday I more grateful than the day before for having such a gorgeous girl by my side" Sascha comes behind me and plants a kiss on my cheek. I can't help but smile, looking at us in the mirror.

Taking his hand, we walk to the restaurant. We get there a little early. I absolutely hate being late. Sascha doesn't quite feel the same way as me in that regard.

We order drinks while waiting. It doesn't take long before the duo is greeting us.

"Hey man. It's been a long time since we've seen each other" the boys smile.

"I love your nails" I gasp at Kiki's hands.

"Thanks but they don't compare to that dress!" She compliments back.

We all sit down and order dinner making conversation. As soon as our food comes we eat up, slipping in a few words in between bites.

After other table is cleared and the check is paid we all head for the door.

"Thanks for clearing some time to see us. It was great to hang out with each other tonight" Dominic smiles, putting his hand around Kiki.

"No problem. See you two around the grounds hopefully" Sascha chimes in. We both go our separate ways.

As soon as we arrive at the hotel Sascha plops down on the bed.

"Oh come on it wasn't that bad. It was two hours of your life. Don't complain so much" I sit down next to him, wrapping myself around his body. He puts his arms, that were above his head moments ago, around me.

"It wasn't that bad but I'm a simple guy. This is how I like to spend my free time" He begins kissing me neck.

I pull away. "I'm tired. Not tonight" I go to the bathroom and get a quick shower. When I come back Sascha is watching soccer. I climb under the covers and it takes no time before I fall asleep.

Short chapter that's just a fill in. Kind of drawing a blank on what the next chapters will be about. If you have any ideas I'd love to hear them. Hope you liked this chapter and tell me your thoughts.


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