Chapter 32

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2 months later
Aggie POV

"You played well. It just wasn't your day" I rub his arm as I sit close to him.

The entire team sits in the locker room trying to cheer him up. He is in a bit of a rough period. He hasn't won five matches since becoming a grand slam champion at Roland Garros, and felt all the pressure coming into the US Open.

He lost second round today against a guy ranked over 100 in the world.

"Obviously I didn't play well if I lost to a no namer in the second round Aggie!" He raises his voice. It scares me a bit.

"Sasch, I'm just trying to help right now. Don't yell at me" I try to keep my calm.

"Nothing you say is going to help Aggie. The shit coming out of your mouth right now does nothing for me emotionally!" He screams.

The room falls silent. Everyone's eyes are on me, asking me if I'm alright without saying a word. Turning around I walk out the door and slam it shut behind me.

How can he say that to me? Everything I do for him and he treats me like the dirt on the ground.

Picking up my phone I FaceTime my best friend Maddie.

"Ags! What's wrong?" She questions. I didn't realize until now the tears flowing over my cheeks.

"Sascha is driving me insane right now and I need someone to talk to. He just told me the words coming out my mouth are pointless and aren't doing anything to him emotionally after I tried to calm him down. All because he is upset with his second round loss" I explain.

"Aggie. I'm so sorry. Why don't I drive up to New York and we have a girls day?" She questions. Luckily it's only a two hour drive here. I shake my head and I stay on the call with her for a little, while she starts the drive.

After we end the call and I'm left waiting for her I walk around the grounds and am stopped by a few Sascha fans along the way. They ask for pictures and I push my sunglasses up. I put on a smile, not wanting to be asked anymore questions than I need to be.

Once they have their pictures and a few answers to some random questions I go back to my walk and ironically run into Sascha's mom.

"Aggie!" She gets my attention. "Are you okay? I know my apologizes won't do anything because he is a grown boy and should know better but I'm sorry he talked to you like that" she hugs me.

I can't help but smile. "Thank you. I keep trying to tell myself he is just angry with the loss but I think I just need to walk it off a bit" I give her a friendly smirk. Bending over I give Lövík a belly rub.

"I should get going. In case Sascha starts to worry, tell him I'm with a friend for the day and should be back around dinner time" I say before hugging her one last time and going to the mall where I plan on meeting Maddie.

I walk around until I get the text that she's here. I instantly get giddy. Even though I'm pissed at Sascha I'm excited to see Maddie after a year of being away. We decide to meet up at the food court and the minute I see her I can't hide my smile. I hug her tight.

"We haven't hung out since last years Us Open. I was going to come to Washington DC but then Sascha lost first round and I figured you would be leaving right after." She explains.

"Yeah he's been going through a rough patch with wins lately. I can't believe the things he said to me" my lip begins to quiver. I fight it. I don't like to show my weaknesses maybe that's because I live with someone who if he shows his weakness he will get slaughtered on the courts.

To be fair, Sascha isn't an emotional guy. In two years I've only seen him cry once, and that was when my dad died.

"Let's not talk about that right now. Let's get your mind off it and have a good girls day. I miss these with you" she puts her arm around mine and we go to all our favorite stores.

"Hey little miss posh, think you have enough?" She says at all my bags. I did go a little crazy with the spending but I really needed this after my morning.

"Are you going back home tonight or are you spending the night here?" I question.

"I have off tomorrow. When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow night. You should stay the night and get a room so we can see each other before the Asian swing of the season. Besides I need to make some wedding arrangements and I'd love if my maid of honor could help me" I smile.

She hugs me immediately. "I'm your maid of honor?" She exclaims.

We head back to our hotel and we get her a room. Luckily someone just checked out so it wasn't as hard as I thought I'd be with a big sporting event in town.

"I have to talk to Sascha. How about we go to dinner later?"

We part our ways with plans made and I take a deep breathe before going into my room.

"Aggie, I'm so sorry about my words. I was angry about my loss and I took it out on you and I know it doesn't change what I said but I'm sorry." He states.

"I know you were angry and I should have given you space but please, next time you are about to lose it please just take a minute to cool down. I promise I won't overstep next time. I know that didn't help the situation" I sit in his embrace on the sofa.

So I'm going to finish this story and then start the new Sascha story. Would you rather see this story end around the same time it is now or with an epilogue?

Comment or message me to let me know and I'll try my best either way.

If you don't already please go follow my instagram where I update about Sascha as much as my busy schedule allows me! It's @Sascha_Zverev_Nation

Hope you enjoy

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