Chapter 11

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Agatha pov

It has been a month since Monte Carlo. Today is my favorite day since I got my job. Sascha is playing in a Masters 1000 final. He is up against Novak Djokovic.

This last month has been a crazy adventure. Sascha asked me out on his birthday and we've had several dates since. It's a lot easier since we have corresponding jobs.

The good thing about Sascha making it to the final is that he is the only match so he gets all my attention.

I make my way to his locker room. He told his family about me. They have all been very supportive.

I take a deep breathe, inhaling through my nose and exhaling out my mouth. I'm feeling nervous for him in his first Masters 1000 final. I have no idea what he must be feeling himself. He looks very calm however.

I have all the faith in the world that he can win but I'm still finding myself wiping my sweaty hands on the brim of my dress every few minutes.

"You can do this. Play your game and go out there with a good mindset. You can do this son." Sascha's father and coach hugs him. I stand back and watch not wanting to interfere. When they take a step back from each other Sascha walks my way.

"This is your day and don't forget it. You are playing some of your best tennis and deserve to win this just as much as Novak" I remind him.

He pulls me into his chest and I admire his natural scent before I next smell him all sweaty from what I know will be his strong effort. "I know. Thank you" he whispers into my ear before kissing the top of my head. We all stand back as he grabs his bags. His team makes their way to the box as I go to my seat in the stadium.

We wish I could be in his box but I can't be seen having a favorite.

I go on my phones until I am brought to my surroundings when the crowd erupts by the presence of Novak and Sascha walking across the court to take their seats. I smile knowing Sascha has worked so hard to get to this moment. Everything is paying off.

We watch him dig in his bag for his bottle of water and a racket before finally meeting Novak and the chair umpire at the net for the coin toss.

Pictures are taken and the players separate, beginning the warm up process. Checking the board I notice Djokovic will serve first.

The warm ups come to an end and the players head back to their chairs waiting to commence play.

I watch on as Sascha makes his way to an immediate break point and converts smashing a cross court forehand. The box makes a point not to exaggerate the situation. Sasch may have gotten the break but he is a long, long way from raising that trophy.

I watch on as an ace flies past Novak. The box stands this time clapping. One set away from the best win of his career thus far although while playing his opponent we know it could always go to a third set. I hope not.

They take the court again after the change over and I can't contain my emotions. "Come on Alex!" I shout. He looks up at me and cracks a smile. I blush realizing the eyes of all the people around are on me.

He is serving so well today. I'm beyond proud of him no matter what the score ends up being. He is my fighter!

The set gets farther to its end and before you know it Novak is serving to stay in the match. A match point arises and the crowd claps acknowledging the history that could be made on this next point.

Sascha doesn't convert. Another match point. He hits the return and its too close to Djokovic to get a proper strike and he sends it long. The crowd erupts and I feel the tears in my eyes building up. My fighter is now a winner!

The crowd erupts even more than before and we watch him. I notice him under a towel at his chair. He is emotional. I've never been more proud.

Although I wish I could see his trophy ceremony I need to go set up for his interview for the site.

We meet Sascha in the players lounge as he walks in, carrying his trophy. I run into his left side, the one not occupied with a trophy.

"I love you so much. I knew you could do it!" I wrap my arms around his neck. He places his arm on my back and doesn't let me go.

"All because I would look at you in the crowd and it eased my nerves beautiful" he makes me blush. He's so cheesy but I wouldn't want him any other way. I pull away and look him into the eyes making his soft lips connect to mine.

Hope you enjoy and give me some feedback.

It is so much fun to reminisce on Sascha winning in Rome.


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