Chapter 23

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Sascha POV

"Call me after his appointment... alright... I love you too" I say into the phone. It has been a seven weeks since I last held Aggie and we kept our promise of talking on the phone everyday.

Thankfully, she hasn't called with any terrible news yet. I feel bad leaving her like I did. She hasn't even seen Maddie much.

Maddie and I have definitely gotten closer in these past few weeks. We are both so concerned for Ags. I frequently call her to check up on Aggie. She tells me something's Aggie is trying to convince herself aren't happening.

Michael's health is really starting to slip. He can no longer walk on his own and Maddie went to check on them the other day. Michael fell unexpectedly and she walked in on Aggie trying to pick him up on her own.

I don't know how she watches her dad, knowing any minute could be their last moment together. I couldn't imagine going through that with my own family. To be honest I'm struggling to watch her do it. My heart breaks for her.

She is being so strong for his sake.

Meanwhile I'm here in Australia... well not for long. My plane leaves tonight and I'm going to help Aggie for a few days.

I didn't get the results I wanted in Australia but then again I have more on my mind than usual. My days and nights are now filled with Aggie as she goes through such hard times.

My next tournament is Rotterdam which is in three weeks.

Aggie POV

"I love you Aggie. Thank you for doing everything you've done for me. It means more than you'll ever know." Dad states.

"You know I'd do anything for you dad. I love you to infinity and beyond" I kiss his cheek.

He just smiles.

"Here are your pills. Want me to make something to eat?" I question, helping him hold the cup to his mouth, tilting it back a tad.

"I'm just gonna take a nap for now. I love you my sweet girl" he smiles like he does before every nap.

I kiss his cheek once more before telling him I love him.

Walking up the stairs I begin to clean. These last few weeks have been the most stressed I've ever been. I haven't gotten my period for two months because of it all.

Dad has been getting worse. He fell ten days ago and it's all been falling apart since. It's only a matter of time before I tell him I love him for the last time.

I've been trying to prepare myself for that moment but how do you possibly do that? The person who has sacrificed more than anyone else is about to leave me and I can't do anything to stop it.

Other than dad being okay I just want to be with Sascha. I'm my happiest when I'm with him. I miss him right now and could really use a cuddle.

I begin to yawn and sit on my bed as I check my phone. Sascha texted me a while back and said he was leaving Australia and would text me when he landed.

Why do I have the feeling he would have won against Chung if his mind was in the right place? I know he has been more than worried about us. I'm sure that affected him at points on court. That's just how he is.

I feel my eyes get heavy and drift into a deep sleep.

~the next morning~

Turning over I feel fully rested for the first time in a long time. I go into my bathroom and do my morning routine. I get a shower because my hair is a greasy mess and dress in a grey sweatshirt and jeans.

I hate this area in winter. I have never been a fan of the cold or snow.

Pennsylvania isn't the best for that mindset.

Once I put my wet hair into a braid, I go downstairs and see dad fast asleep on his bed. I go into the kitchen and check my phone again.

Sascha didn't text me for a long time. His plane should have landed by now. He texted me yesterday around this time. I'm beginning to worry about him.

Ignoring that fact for a minute I open dads pill bottles and get the right ones.

Pouring a glass of water I walk over to his bed and take a seat. I begin to shake him. No responds.

"Dad... dad wake up.... dad it's time for your medicine" by this point a tear has slept out, fearing the worst. "Dad..." I begin to shake aggressively. "DAD!"

Sobs and screams fill the house as I try to bring him back but there is no chance. I've said my last goodbyes and he's gone. I know it but I can't admit it to myself.

Running to my phone I dial 911.

"M-my dad passed away i-in his sleep" I do my best not to stutter but all the emotions are overwhelming. I'm shell shocked.

The doorbell rings and in comes the ambulance assistances.

Walking over to dad they begin to examine him. I already know the outcome.

Sascha POV

When we arrive at Aggies house I see the ambulance in the front.

"Oh gosh" I say. I run out the car and am followed by my parents, Jez, Mischa and Eve.

We all make our way inside.

"10:34... Time of death" one of the workers says. I make my way to Aggie just in time to grab her motionless body before it hits the floor.

I hold her tighter than I ever have before as the ambulance drives away with her fathers body. I kiss her head as she sobs and weeps. I can't help but sob and weep with her.

My family just watches on, nothing they can do. I know the feeling. I can't do anything to heal her right now. She just lost her father...

Like and comment. Sorry to make you all sad.


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