Chapter 18

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Agatha pov

"I haven't seen you in ages" my bestfriend, Madelyn squeals.

"This year has been one I will never forget. I just wish I made more memories with you" I hug her.

"So can I hear about mystery man now that you are home?" She pleads.

I giggle knowing how much she wants to know about him.

I nod, "Alex is the sweetest person. I miss him dearly but it was right that we broke up. I just couldn't hold him back anymore."

She stops me. "You get a mystery man and then break up with him. Agatha! I should of known about him before the breakup" she sasses.

"Sorry. I didn't tell my dad about him until two months ago though. We started dating in March. It was my first relationship and it ended so badly."

"Did he hurt you? If anyone touches little Aggie I'll kick so ass. You know I would do anything for you" she says. I smile.

"He didn't hurt me. I hurt him. He was a player, I was a journalist who was told to not have any relations with the players outside work and we didn't follow it. So I got fired and just don't want to hold him back so I called him this morning and told him I was ending things." I explain.

"Aww. You dumped your first boyfriend today. Lets get ice cream." She pulls me off the bed and puts shoes in front of my feet. I chuckle and follow her.

"Maddie is taking me out. Be back soon dad" I shout before reaching the front door. I open it and walk off the porch before I'm stopped by a taxi pulling up at my house. The door opens and out steps a familiar 6'6", shaggy haired boy.

Maddie gives me a puzzled look, "who's that tall, gorgeous hunk?" She has always said exactly whats on her mind. "Is that hour single cousin? Please tell me he is. I'd love to join your family" she winks.

"That's Sascha" I explain.

"Ags!" He sprints over to me and picks me up, spinning me around. This doesn't seem appropriate considering we broke up today.

He puts me down and just stares into my blue eyes. I do the same to his green ones. I always loved that his eyes changed between blue and green. I never knew what I was gonna get when I saw them.

I desperately resist leaning in and just fix my shirt.

"I missed you. I could focus during my match the other day. I was so worried. Please let me back into your life" he pleads.

"Sasch. I got fired. You don't want to get into any trouble with me around" I tell him, walking over to my car.

I feel a grip on my arm and am spun around. "Think about it Ags, you don't work for the website. There is nothing holding us back from going out to dinner or walking around the tournament grounds together now. There is nothing stopping us from seeing the Eiffel Tower or whatever else is popular in the city we are at. Our relationship should only expand from this. It shouldn't end. I won't let it end because Aggie, I love you too damn much to ever let you go" he says and leans into kiss me. His lips crash into mine as I move my lips N'sync with his and a smile appears on my face.

"I'm sorry I made you worried. I'm sorry I was so stupid to not get fired sooner and I'm sorry I ever break up with you" I grin and kiss him again.

When I pull back I see the biggest smile on his face.

"I thought his name was Alex???" Maddie screams in confusion.

We both chuckle at her.

"I'll fill you in later." I say before I lead them to my car to go get ice cream.

"Ya know that was a lot easier to get you back than I thought it would be" he nudges me with his elbow as we all sit on a bench, eating ice creams.

"Well you made a good point or two. Plus I can't believe you came all this way just to get me back." I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Anyways... How much did you have to pay that taxi driver?" Maddie chimes in.

"Yeah that wasn't cheap... But it will be the best thing I spend my money on if I get to spend my life with you" he rests his head on mine and we all go back to my house to fill in Maddie.

I hope you enjoy the chapter. Please like and give feedback!


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