14 | forgiven

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" okay hyerin let's go! " i grabbed my bag and i started walking home with jinyoung, i noticed weird marks on his arm and hands. i held his hand tightly then looked up towards him. " what happened?"

"i-i just fell off my bike yesterday," he smiled a little.

then jihoon suddenly appeared.

" oh hey, y'all walking home together? " i nodded quietly," can i tag along?" i couldn't say anything else because jinyoung's phone started to ring.

" hello? again?! okay i'm coming..." he sighed and turned to the both of us," sorry hyerin, daehwi made a mess in the hall and i need to help him clean up," i didn't want to disturb him any further as he had done so much for me already so i had no choice but to walk back with jihoon- again.


" so...what's up with you and nari?" i asked while attempting to break the tense atmosphere.

" she asked me out but i rejected her..." he sighed and i looked up. our eyes met.

why did he do that? i thought he liked her.

" if your wondering, i already told you...i don't like her, " he smiled at me then slung his arm around my shoulder," do you wanna get food?" i smiled at him.

just like old times. he's back.


" yah ! slow down ! " he shouted behind me as i ran towards my favourite teokkbokki shop.

" my treat," he winked at me and i giggled.

while waiting for the food, we talked about school, everything seemed perfectly normal. it was like we never separated in the first place.

" arcade?" he turned around to ask me.

" hell yeah! "


" hah i won! " he pumped his fist in the air when he won the basketball shooting game.

" hey that isn't fair! " i pouted and he ruffled my hair," in what way?"

" it was the tteokbokki's fault !" he just starred at me for awhile then we both burst out laughing.

since i lost i had to buy him ice cream, and for the first time in weeks, i opened my wallet for someone other than myself.

" thanks for the food!"


" it's getting late,i should actually take you home now," i nodded and we walked back home together.

when we reached home, i unlocked the door to see taehyung carrying a bunch of suitcases and struggling to bring everything down the stairs.

" woah, where are you going?"

" i forgot to tell you because it was meant to be a surprise, but i got casted to bighit ! " he cheered.

" oh okay...wait, you what?!" realising what he said, i spun around and ran towards him and hugged him. " great, you won't be here to steal my food  anymore," i grinned cheekily and he stuck his tongue out at me.

" congrats hyung! " jihoon walked in while closing the door that i left open.

" oh i wanted to tell you, jihoon, you can use my room since i won't be staying here anymore..." he pouted " i'll introduce you to everyone there so remember to bring me food!" i gave him one last tight hug before he left.

" never thought i'd say this but i actually miss him already," i giggled and walked up to my room.

slumping down onto my bed i sighed," i'm tired..." and he slumped down next to me," go to sleep," and i shook my head. i wanted to spend time with him,besides nari, we've been studying our asses off the whole week and we were both tired.

" don't you wanna move to tae's room?" he turned to me and shook his head," i wanna stay here~"

" your aegyo doesn't work on me," i stuck my tongue out at him.


we were laying on my bed talking when my phone died," hold on i need to charge this," i stood up and walked to the power point at my desk.

i suddenly felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my shoulders," yah..." i giggled, i turned around to see him blushing.

" wow i've never seen you blush before,"

" it's just...i haven't done this in a long time," he smiled. i missed his hugs.

" i've always wanted to ask you...are you and woojin like...a thing?" he shuffled his feet together awkwardly, i could tell he was nervous. after all the fun we had that day, i had completely forgotten he had feelings for me. i nodded my head slowly and he just mouthed the word "oh" but i could tell he was upset. he used to be my best friend after all.

" i'll go to the other room now..." before he could leave i grabbed his wrist," i'm sorry..."

" there's nothing to be sorry about, if i had confessed earlier, or didn't go out with nari this wouldn't have happened... i was oblivious to your feelings towards me till recently when daehwi accidentally told me...i'm sorry," he yanked his hand away from me and left the room.

suddenly i heard a creek from behind me, i turned around.

i gulped down the lump in my throat," did you see all of that...?"

" ...w-why,"

🍘 edited
a/n:thanks for 10k 😩

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