15 | trouble

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i stood still.

not that i didn't want to move, but my body wouldn't let me.

" why...? what's happening..." his voice started to tremble. " i thought you didn't like him anymore?"

" i don't ! i will never ! and i would never do that to you," i forced my body forward till i lost my balance and collapsed onto my bed, tears clouded my vision, i didn't know what was happening. he came over to me and pulled me into a hug.

" forgive me...please..." i sobbed and hugged him tighter, he didn't say anything but i knew he forgave me. when he was happy, he loved me. when he was sad, he loved me. even when he was angry, he loved me. and that is why, park woojin, i love you so much. ( a/n: cliche shit i know, sry but bear with me )

" i thought you hated him...why the sudden change?" i dug my head into the crook of his neck and told him about what happened today, " well if my girlfriend says so, i'll just have to put up with him again..." he sighed and i giggled.


" gooooooo..."

" i don't wanna go..." i sighed and tried to push him off me but he wouldn't budge.

" you have to go, you have a performance in a few days," it was early in the morning and he was on the way to practice and was early so he decided to drop by. only problem is, it was 8am on a saturday!

" hyerin! don't leave me!" he dramatically fell onto the floor and fake cried, " i will do anything for you to let me sleep..." i sat on my bed and started dozing off again.

" hyerin! " he started to shake me awake again," anything?" i nodded with my eyes half closed. he pointed to his lips and i gave him a quick peck on his cheek before falling back to sleep. " hey! i said here not here," he pointed to his lips then his cheek. i got tired of his disturbing me so i quickly pecked him on the lips. before i could pull away, he placed his other hand at the back of my head and deepened the kiss.

now i was awake, wide awake.

" go brush your teeth," he teased then he grabbed his stuff and left the room ," see you later! "

i couldn't fall asleep after that.



wanna hang?
unless ur with woojin

he went for training
wanna watch a movie?

cool beans


i was running late so by the time i reached the show already started. " what's the show about?" i asked while sipping my drink.

" horror..." i almost spat out my drink when i heard that. he knew that i couldn't take horror movies yet he chose to watch it." yah-" before i could say anything else, the movie started.

we were almost halfway through the movie and i had already screamed almost 10 times. suddenly out of no where, a girl with no eyes appeared in front of the screen.

" what the- ah! " i screamed so loud i swear everyone was looking at me, i immediately wrapped my hands around jihoon. after finally realising what i was doing, i let go, " sorry..." he then took my hand into his and smiled. i pulled my hand away slowly," sorry...i can't do this anymore..." he nodded and we continued watching the movie.


after that incident, we were basically awkward the whole way walking back. it wasn't that i didn't like him or anything, it's just that i new that i couldn't do those kind of things with him anymore.

after getting off and that train station, my phone rang, " hyerin ! i ended practice early today ! and taehyung said we could go over to meet his members-" then he just started rambling about how practice was really tiring and what not. i was too occupied with woojin that i didn't realise jihoon started walking away on his own.

" i'll meet you at the station near your house, wait for me ! " he cheerfully sang through the phone before hanging up.

i wanted to text jihoon and apologise to him. i found a bench in the middle of the station and despite it being a saturday, the station wasn't crowded, which was very weird.

as soon as i sat down, i got smacked hard on the head.

a/n: shits about to get real hOho look forward to iT ;)
🍘 edited

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