22 | weird

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he explained everything to us, about how his dad started getting into drinking and drugs and how he had been physically and mentally hurt for the past few weeks.

"it was a tough time for me, but i'm thankful that all of you were there to make everything slightly better,"

after leaving the hospital, all of us left to help jinyoung and his mum clean up the house.

"thank you all for helping, and i'm sorry for making it inconvenient for you," she apologised so many times to us because she felt bad that we helped her and jinyoung out so much.


while we were having dinner together when suddenly woojin's phone began to ring. he said it was important so he left right after the call which was weird because he didn't tell us what happened neither did he text me after he left.


the next few days in school went  by weirdly and since school was almost ending. finals were coming up and it was finally time to study and i actually wanted to die.

daehwi, jinyoung, jihoon and i were facetiming while trying to figure out the equation to a math question when chaeyoung suddenly despised to text me.

"oh look who decided to text me,"





what makes u think that just because your dating woojin now
he'll be yours forever?

i'll make him hate you

you have blocked nari


"guess who nari's tryna hit up now," i smirked as i flashed my phone screen towards the camera so all of them could see.

"wOOJIN?!" they all screamed at the same time.

"i'm glad she's over me but is she that blind? you guys are obviously dating?" daehwi nodded.

"right? what's her deal, does she really hate you that much?" i just shrugged.

"guys we need to study we have a math exam in like a week,"


the next few days in school it seemed like chaeyoung started hanging out with nari and woojin has been awfully quiet the past few days.

while we were walking out of school i stopped by his locker.

"hey wanna come over later, i need help with-"

"sorry can't today," he slammed his locker door shut, "i'll see you tomorrow ok?" he flashed me a quick smile and left.

weird, we normally go home together, plus he lives only a few minutes away.


studying,studying,studying, the work kept coming in and the stress wouldn't stop. no matter how much i wanted to worry about woojin, i couldn't. i just had so many things to do.

"hey i need to borrow this," i grabbed the textbook from jihoon and sat down next to him in the library, our third exam was tomorrow and it was math, my weakest topic, and jihoon was the only one that could help.

"so this and this, adds up to this, and this times this also adds up to this so, do you get it?" he asked while i just stared blankly at the piece of paper with a load of numbers written on it.


"it's going to be a long day of work today," he sighed.



i love u ok?
don't forget that ❤️


despite his weird behaviour, he's been sending me these awfully cute texts randomly throughout the day. i also noticed that i've never actually seen him study.

he's always the first to leave the classroom after school ends while everyone rushes to the library, he rarely skips school but he hasn't been coming the past few days and when we arrange for study dates, he never turns up. this was even weirder because he's always the one studying and i'm always the one procrastinating.

why? what's happening?

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