23 | the truth

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"daehwi i want to die save me," i sighed as i slumped back into my chair. it was almost last day of our exams and stress wasn't going away.

"how do you do this though, i don't get it ugh," he slumped down into his chair beside mine and sighed as well.

"where's everyone else? they were supposed to be here half an hour ago," i asked while slapping my literature textbook close.

"jinyoung has to help his mum out i think so he won't be here, jihoon doesn't take literature if you remember and woojin isn't here as always," he said while looking through his notes. "what's up with you two anyway, did you guys fight?"

"no...he just started distancing himself from us i guess, what's weird is that he sends me like texts everyday saying that he loves me," he pat my shoulder lightly.

"we can settle this after the paper tomorrow okay?" he smiled towards me.


"you ready for our last paper?" jinyoung asked while smiling at me.

"so ready to get this over and done with," and he placed his arm around my shoulder.

suddenly my phone started ringing, "hold on,"


"hi, is this hyerin?"


"this is taeyang general hospital and i'm calling to tell you that woojin has fainted and been sent to this hospital, and you were his emergency contact,"

"what? hE WHAT?"


"w-woojin,i'm almost there," i panted while running.

"can i know where woojin is, p-park woojin," i stuttered while trying to catch my breath. she directed me towards the bed at the far left where he was laying down with his eyes closed.

"w-woojin," i carefully took his hand into mine,and without me knowing, a tear slipped.

"hyerin?" his eyes fluttered open slowly. "don't you have a paper today, what are you doing here?"

after he said that i sobbed harder, and he brought me into his embrace. "i'm sorry," i shook my head.

it wasn't his fault.

"woojin, you're condition is getting worse and i think you should come back more often for check ups," his doctor told him while patting his shoulder a little as he whispered something into his ear.

upon the doctors leave he pulled me into a hug again, "w-what condition?" i stuttered, i was nervous and worried.

"i have...um, lung..c-cancer?"

a/n: this and the next chapter will be a little short since i'm kinda busy,, sorry :(

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