Chapter 3 // Trying Harder

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Anyway, i dont know for what reason but the previous chapter got privated, if you want to read it then you have to follow me, if not then let me tell you what happened. Olivia got a makeover,then they saw her at the mall, she told them off, the next day at school she looks all new, they say sorry to her, she forgives them all except for taylor, because he did the worse to her. Now read on!

*Taylor's POV*

I had spent the whole morning trying to find a way to make it up to Olivia, and I had come up with a great plan. I entered the cafeteria and made my way over to the rest of the guys only to have them walk past me. I grabbed Jack J and pulled him back.

"Aren't we all going to sit together?" I ask him.

"Sorry dude, we're all going to sit with Olivia and from what happened this morning I don't think she wants you to sit with her." He tells me.

It was in this moment that I reilized that I screwed up bad, and now would be the perfect time to execute my plan. I walked over to their table that they were all sitting at, and slammed my hands on the table, they all looked up in shock. Well here goes nothing.

*Olivia's POV*

They all sat with me and Meghan at lunch, looks like they're trying to make an effort and not screw up. I really felt better. I sat inbetween Shawn and Carter, Meghan sat with the Jacks. Her and Jack J were really hitting it off, they would make a cute couple. We all got startled by a loud bang at the end of the table. It was Taylor.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him. He didn't reply, he climbed onto the table and walked to be infront of me. The whole cafeteria was looking at us in silence by now.

"Olivia, you told me that if I wanted to apologize, I needed to do better. Well, here's my better." He yelled through the whole cafeteria. I pulled his arm down.

"Taylor don't do this, you're going to embarras us both." I whispered to him, he just shook his head and continued to do what he did before.

"She said that my apology wasn't good enough, and that's true. I was a dick to her for three years and I though one sentence would work out. I never even told her why I bulled her. But now that I look at her, I hate myself for bullying her, for treating her like shit, making her a laughing stock, putting everyone against her. The real reason why I bullied her was because I was. Jealous. Jealous that she liked my best friend over me, jealous because I thought she had the perfect life, jealous because everything was easy for her. Jealous because the girl I liked, a lot. Liked my best friend. All I ask is for you to fogive me. Make the past, the past, and focus on a future where I think I can see myself in. If this isn't enough than I don't know what is. So, Olivia do you forgive me?" He finished and looked at me with pleading eyes. I thought for a moment. I could feel his eyes boreing into me.

"Yes." I say him.

"What?" He replys, a smile spreading across his face.

"Yes. I forgive you." I tell him more clearly. The next thing that happened was unexpected, he jumped off the table and started to hug me, tightly. "Let go. Can't breathe. Losing air."

He then let go. I brushed out the crinkles in my clothes and fized my hair.


School ended and I just wanted to get out of school and go home. I started to walk home, since I always do.

"Hey, Olivia, do you want a drive home, I think I'm on your way?" I hear Taylor shout at me.

"Sure, and if you want we can hang out, and I can help you with homework if you want?" I yell back at him.

"Okay, just hop into my car." He tells me, and I hop into his Range Rover. We start off.


We've been doing homework for about two hours and I wanted to ask him about something he said at lunch.

"Why did you think I had a perfect life and everything came easily to me?" I ask him. He gets a shocked expression, then thinks for a moment. He gets up and sits next to me on the bed, since he was sitting on the floor before.

"I thought that because, well, you were getting all these good grades, you looked like you had a nice relationship with your parents, you had all these friends, and people all liked you." I scoffed, if only he knew what my life was like then. He got a puzzled look. "What?"

"My life was far from perfect then, my parents were splitting up, I had to get good grades, so I always stayed after school for help. I cried myself to sleep most nights. I was one of those people that put up a facade. Had that fake smile so everybody thought I was doing well. I wasn't." I explained to him, and I could feel sympathy in my eyes. The next thing that happened was the unimaginable.

*Taylor's POV*

I smashed my lips into hers, and she started to kiss back, she started to play with my hair, which resulted in my bandana being thrown across the room. I was rubbing my hands up and down her sides. I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance, but wasn't accepted. Tease. I squeezed her butt to make her gasp, which allowed for my tongue to explore her mouth, and hers to explore mine. We finally pulled apart and started to gasp for air.

"Olivia, will you go on a date with me?" I asked her, smiling, I could feel my cheeks starting to cramp up.

"Yes." She replied, and my smile just got bigger.

I hope you liked this chapter, I wanted to make a chapter like this. Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment what you like about my story, and who your favourite magcon boy is.
K bye.

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