Chapter 17 // PIZZA

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*Olivia's POV*

"I've got the movies." I told Lauren and Meghan, grabbing my laptop from under the coffee table. Lauren walked in with her hands full of food. She plopped it onto the couch.

"Okay, I have raided your kitchen, and we have two bags of chips. Jalapeno and Sour Cream & Onion. We also have six cans of rootbear. Two pints of Ben & Jerrys, and a few bags of skittles." Lauren explained. She stood triumphantly, at what her search held.

"Look I love stuffing my face with junk food, but I kinda want a real meal." Meghan said, we all nodded. I began to think.

"We can order pizza?" Lauren suggested. I stood up and tackled her with a hug. She screamed as we both went down. "What was that for?"

"Oh, sorry. I just love pizza, and now I love you for suggesting it." I explained, getting up, and helping her up too. Lauren just laughed and went to order the pizza.

"I like pineapple on mine." Meghan yelled.

"I'll just get half Hawaiian and half cheese." Lauren yelled back.

"Make it an extra large. I eat a lot." I too yelled.


We decided that instead of movies, we were going to watch a series. We decided on Family Guy, we were half way done the second episodes.


"Must be the pizza." I said getting up to get the door. I whipped it open to be met with Shawn, Matt, and Nash. "What are you doing here?"

They ignored me and walked right pass me.

"Hi." Shawn stopped and kissed my cheek. I closed the door and started to walk to the living room with Shawn.

"Ohh, Jalapeno chips." Matt yelled.

"Oh no you don't." I yelled sprinting forward and jumped on him. He screamed and threw up the chip bag, getting chips everywhere. Everyone broke out laughing. I got off of him. "You owe me a new bag."

"No, I don't." Matt said sticking his tongue out. I flipped him off. I sat down on the couch, Matt then sat on me.

"You're so fucking heavy." I exclaimed.

"Sucks." Matt replied.

"Pizza's here!" Meghan yelled walking in with the box.

"Pizza!" Me and Matt shrieked at the same time. I pushed him off, he landed on the floor with a thud. I jumped over him, and ran towards Meghan, ripping the pizza box out of her hands. I turned around, to have Matt racing towards me. I turned back around and went into crouch position, covering the pizza. Matt hung over me, and started to tickle me.

"Stop, please." I said through fits of laughter.

"Not unless you hand the pizza over." Matt told me. Continuing to tickle me.

"Never!" I replied. He was on top of me, and we were both crouching. From all of our moving we were facing the group that was laughing. A smirk began to play on my face. I saw Shawn's smile get bigger. He knew I was going to do something. I took my elbow forward and swung it back into Matts' nuts.

"Fuck!" He yelled releasing me. Everyone burst out into more laughter. I got up and looked at him, he was huddled over in pain. Shawn and Nash walked over to help him up.

"You never do that to a man." He said while hobbling past me to the couch. "You also have bony elbows."

I just smiled and walked over. I set the pizza onto the coffee table and took a slice. I took a bite and moaned in joy. Still with the pizza I got up and walked over to the kitchen, grabbed a baggie and put a few ice cubes in it. I walked back over to the living room, and threw it to Matt, who in turn shoved it down his pants.

"You know you ruined our girls night." Lauren told the guys. Nash and Matt shrugged.

"Why were you even having a girls night?" Shawn questioned, while snuggling closer to me.

"Jack broke up with me." Meghan explained, while trying to hide her face, she was still beat up about it.

"That was pretty dick move, if you ask me." Matt said, chomping away on his pizza.

"Enough sadness, let's get back to Family Guy." Lauren exclaimed, unpausing it. Everyone fixed themselves so they could watch. I smiled at the friends I'd acquired. I turned towards the tv, and cuddled into Shawn, who put his arm over me.


Weren't there some cute molivia moments.

Btw the intro for my catthew book is up, the first chapter should be up soon. So, check it out, it's called Isn't He Lovely (Magcon CarterXMatt)

QOTP:Where are you from?

AOTP: Canada, like and hour from where shawn lives.

Ok peace.


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