Chapter 20 // Glances

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*There will be an important author note at the end.*

*Meghan's POV*

I woke up, I didn't feel tired, I felt perfectly rested. I tried to get up, but was constricted by an arm. I turned to see Gilinsky, naked. I was too. Shit.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I whisper, I slept with Jack, this could not be happening. I darted up from my position. My head began to pound, I also had too much to drink last night. I let it subside before getting up. I looked around for my underwear, when I heard Jack begin to stir.

"Come back to bed babe." He said, in that oh so sexy morning voice.

"Jack, last night was a spur of the moment thing. I was mad, horny, and really drunk. There was no emotion in it." I told him, by back still facing him.

"To be honest, it didn't mean anything to me either. But your really good in bed." He replied. I smirked although he couldn't see it. I bent down to pick up my underwear. Putting it on I looked back at Jack, his breathing rigged.

"Having trouble breathing there Jack. So, if I'm so good in bed, I propose a deal." I told him.

"What kind of deal?" He said, a puzzled look on his face.

"No emotion. Just sex." I explained, he smirked.

"I like this deal."

I came back onto the bed, and sat there. He brought his arms around me and pulled me towards him, attaching his lips to mine.

It was getting more and more heated by the second, with our hands roaming our bodies. We began to do what we were so good at.

*Lauren's POV*

My eyes slowly opening, I snuggled into the chest of Nash.

"Good morning beautiful." Nash told me, in his husky voice. I looked down and noticed we were both naked, Nash had on boxers, but I was fully nude.

The memory of last night came back, and I didn't regret it one bit. I made love with the person I love, what would be so bad about that. Thinking more into the night, something dawned on me.

"Nash, did you use a condom?" I spoke, looking up at him. He began to think for a moment.

"No." He said, his voice trailing off.

"Oh, shit." I replied, but decided to go back to sleep, not wanting to think of the possibilities.

*Olivia's POV*

Pulling the blanket up and snuggling into his chest, I felt the warmth radiate off of him, it was just so comfortable. Not like the grass. Why the hell did we fall asleep outside anyway?

"Uhm, Olivia?" Carter's voice called.

"Yeah." I replied groggily. Keeping my eyes shut.

 "I think you might want to check who's chest your snuggling into." He tells me.

I darted my eyes open to be met with tan skin, looking up I see Matt's face. I curse under my breath, moving slowly away. I see both of them are still awake. I swiftly move from under the blankets, standing up to stand next to Carter.

"You can't tell anybody about this." I whisper to him.

"Okay." He mumbles before starting going back inside. I pull him back, and into a hug.

"I'm happy we made up, I missed you." I whisper to him. He wraps his arms around me, we just stand there.

"I would love to be all sentimental with you but, you're kinda half naked." He explains, pulling away from me. I blush and look down, I'm still in a bra and underwear. He goes off inside and I go to the pool area to get my clothes. Putting them on, I go inside.


Flipping the last pancake. I set it with the rest. Everyone was awake except for Matt, Shawn, Meghan and Gilinsky. No one dared to go near Meghan and Gilinsky was because they heard some moaning coming from their room this morning, and I told them to leave Matt and Shawn till breakfast was finished. Setting it on the table, I walked outside, toward the blankets. Shaking them both awake, they swat my hand away.

"Five more minutes please." Shawn whines.

"Yeah, what he said." Matt replies.

"There's pancakes though." The boys dart up, looking around. "Get dressed and come inside."

I walk back inside, calling for everyone to come and eat, sitting down, they all join me. Matt and Shawn coming in from inside. Everyone sits down and digs in.

The whole time, Matts glancing at me, being quiet.

Fuck, he knows what happened.


There is the chapter.

I have some news, I'm running out of ideas for this book, it's getting old, and repetitive. When I started there wasn't many bullied books, now they're so many it's crazy. This doesn't mean I'm deleting this book, it just means that chapters are going to be slower. I also plan on ending this book in chapter thirty something, and I do not know if I'm going to make a second book.

I'm also starting school soon, I'm going to be a freshman so things are going to be hectic and I'm going to be busy.

I also have a new fanfic that's coming out tonight, I am very excited about it, and will be updating that one more often, so when it comes out I will make a chapter and hope you guys go and check it out.

Ok peace


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