Chapter 18 // Shut Up

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I'm so sorry for not updating when I said I was going to, i usually update at night because taht's when I have free time, but I was honestly so tired. Then yesterday I want to wonderland with my bae, she writes too. ( Being Bullied A Magcon Fanfiction.) And here I am updating.

Anywhale, the winner of the cover contest is MoanGilinsky. Her cover is really nice, but it was really hard to choose since there were so many.

You should really go check out her story 3:53 am. It's really good, andI hope you don't delete it.


*Olivia's POV*


I woke up to my phone ringing, it was Cameron.

"Hello?" I asked him, questioning why he was calling.

"Where are you guys? First periods about to start." Cameron said. Wait what, I looked at the time and it read 8:15.

"Holy shit. I'll see you at school." I hung up the phone and stood up.

"Guys!" I yelled throughout my entire house, everybody startled awake, and Matt who was sleeping on the edge hit the floor with a thud. I burst out laughing, but managed to get myself under control as he sat up and rubbed his head. He was very unamused.

"Why'd you wake us up?" Meghan questioned yawning, everybody nodded.

"Maybe cause it's 8:15 on a Monday morning, correction 8:16." I explained. Then they all looked from me to the clock, then back to me. They got up.

"Meghan, Lauren you can borrow my clothes." I told them.

"We'll meet you guys at school." Shawn told us leaving with Matt and Nash. We hurried upstairs into my room.


We stepped out of Meghan's car. Second period was about to start in five minutes. I wore light wash highwaisted shorts, a grey v neck, and a blue flannel around my waist. For shoes I wore my black vans. Meghan wore a coral skater dress, a demin vest and her black converse. Lauren wore dark wash highwaisted pants, a black crop top, and galaxy vans. We entered though the front of our school. Headed to the office, and got late slips since we were a few minutes into second period, and went our seperate ways.

I had family studies second period. I entered through the door.

"You're late Miss.Stone." The teacher spoke, I didn't reply. I just walked forward and handed him the late slip. Then went to my seat. I got seated and looked to the front. There were plastic babies. Ughh.

"We will be doing the parenting part of this course, and I will be choosing partners out of a hat." He explained, everybody groaned. This could either go one of two ways for me I could get someone that shares the work, or someone that makes me do all the work. I looked around the classroom at good candidates,Tom, Jerry, Chris, Matt. Oh, yeah Matt was in this class. I turned my attention back to the front. There was one hat for girls, and one for guys. The class was even with the two. It was almost like the reaping, although you don't fight to the death, you just take care of a baby for a week.

He began to choose, and I zoned out.

"Tom and Jenny, Chris and Karen, Jerry and Jordan, Matt and Olivia..." So, I have Matt. That's better than almost everybody else. A month ago no, now yeah. The teacher finished. " The rest of the info is on the board. One representative from each pair come up and get the baby."

I looked over at matt who nodded and got up to get it. I finished writing the notes on the board. Matt walked over with a smile on his face. He set down the baby.

"Hi, wifey!" He said opening his arms for a hug. I gladly hugged him.

"You still owe me a chip bag." I whispered into his ear.

"No, I don't." He told me before slapping my ass.

"Matthew!" I screeched before letting go of him. The whole class turned to us. I turned red in embarressment and brushed them off.

"Now, what should we name her?" Matthew said. I laughed.

"The her is a him, and I want to name it Logan." I told him, he looked puzzled for a bit, before taking in the blue clothing.

"Sure." He nodded, and then the bell rang.

"You can have him till schools over." I said before hurrying out of the classroom, before he could stop me.

*Meghan's POV*

I walked into my third period class, which was biology, and just so happened to be the class both Jacks were in. I walked over to my seat and slumped into it. Just then Johnson walked in, with Gilinsky. Oh, hell to the no. He gets mad at me, but doesn't with Gilinsky. It was half his fault too. Oh my god. They also happen to sit behind me.

"Look, Meghan." Johnson started. I just took out my phone. He got my hint.

"Okay class. I'm going to write everything that you have to do today on the board." She explained then went and wrote everything on the board. She finished, and I got to work. Taking out my textbook and a notebook. We had to read a few pages and answer some questions.

"Meghan, we just want to talk to you." I heard Gilinsky say. I turned around.

"First off, I don't want to hear it, and second, I thought you," I pointed to Johnson. "never wanted to talk to me again. So, save it."

I then went back to my work, reading the chapters.

"Yeesh, someones on their period." I heard Johnson say under his breathe. Those words just pushed me over the edge. I got up from my chair and turned my attention to him.

"Would you please just fucking shut the hell up!" I exclaimed. "I don't want to hear it, and I sure as hell don't want to talk to you."

"At least I didn't go and kiss my boyfriends best friend, but you did." He said, getting up from his chair too.

"But I didn't hang out with that best friend, like nothing happened." I told him. He was about to say something, but the teacher interveened.

"Detention after school, both of you. Now take your seats." We did as we were told, and took our seats. I couldn't continue to focus after that, so I packed my bag, there were only fifteen minutes left till lunch. I thought on my feet and got up.

"Peace." I said to the class holding up the sign, and those were the last things I said before exiting the classroom, and going to the courtyard.

I want you guys to know, that I loved all of your covers but I could only choose one. Also, if you messages me, could you message me again because I lost all of the convos and I liked talking to you. Andddddddddd, don't be afraid to message me, I want all of you to know that you are not alone and there is always someone to talk to, like me!
Also if you ever compare my book to Being Bullied by Kenzie Idek, I want you all to know, that she is one of my really really really good friends, that I love with all my heart and we discuss our books before updating so we have some stuff that is a little similar. Because she is my bitch and I am her faggot.
Ok Peace.
Ily all.

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