Chapter 11 // Comfort

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*Shawn's POV*

I've been watching random videos on YouTube for the past two hours. It started with how to play skyscraper on the guitar, to whale jumping videos. What has my life come to. Just then my phone rang. The caller ID was Olivia. She's supposed to be on a date with Carter.

"Hello." I answered.

"Shawn?" Her breath hitched in the middle of it, was she crying?

"Olivia, are you okay?" I asked, getting more worried.

"No, I'm not. Can you come and pick me up?" She replied.

"Uh, sure. Just tell me where you are." I tell her, while putting on my shoes and grabbing my keys.

"I'm, on the corner of fifth and Germaine." She told me, she seemed like she was calming down. I was already in my car at this point.

"Okay, I'm coming. Stay put, and don't leave." I hung up the call after she muttered a small okay. I started my car, and sped off to where she was.

I turned onto germaine, where it went off fifth. I spotted her. I immediatly stopped the car.

*Olivia's POV*

I've had my head between my knees since I've gotten off the phone with Shawn. I haven't cried. Why would I let myself cry over him. He led me to believe, that he was good, that he was nice. But, boy was I wrong. I heard a car come to a screeching halt. I looked up, it was a few feet from me. A boy came out of the car, and circled around.

"Olivia?" He said. Shawn.

"Shawn." I yelled, then ran into his open arms. That was when I broke. The tears kept flowing. All he did was hold me in his arms, and rub my back. I looked up at him, and nodded. We started to walk over to the car. He helped me in then went around to the other side. He started the car and we were off.

"Is it okay if I come to your house?" I asked him. I didn't want to be alone tonight. I needed someone.

"Sure, we just have to be quiet when we enter. Everybody else is sleeping." I nodded, and looked out the window. I felt a weight on my thigh, closer to my knee. I looked over to see Shawn's hand on my thigh. I liked it, it felt nice. I smiled slightly to myself.

"We're here." He told me. I guess I was so deep in thought. I exited the car, walked to the door, and waited for Shawn. I took in my surroundings, I haven't been here in a while." C'mon."

We entered his house, we took off our shoes, and crept slowly into his room. It's different, from what I remember. Before the bullying me and Shawn used to be really good friends. I saw his guitar, but he upgraded his furniture. It was clean. "Can I borrow some clothes?"

He walked over to his dresser and threw me a shirt. I went to the washroom. Washed my face, changed, put my hair in a ponytail, I also rinsed my mouth, so mouthwash. I walked out to see the back of Shawn shirtless. He must have started to work out, because his back muscles were nicely shaped. He placed his shirt on and turned to look at me. I felt myself turn red, he did too.

"If you keep your mouth open like that, you'll catch flies." He told me while chuckling.

"Oh, shut up." I replied, and lightly punched him in the forearm. It felt like punch a rock. "Oww."

He just laughed again. I walked over to his bed. I grabbed his laptop, and opened it. Password needed. I tried what he had a few years ago. Singing4Lyfe. It opened to the home page. "Looks, like you still haven't changed your computer password."

He gave me a confused look, then sighed. He walked over and sat beside me. He grabbed the laptop, and closed it. I gave him a confused look.

"I need to tell you something." He said to me.

"Shoot." I replied. I scooted closer, so I could here him better. We still need to be quiet.

"Okay. I, uhm, like you, a lot. I have since we were friends, ever since we were twelve, and shared our first kiss with each other. I'm sure you're probably thinking why would you bully me then. I wanted to fit in. It was the stupidest thing I've ever done. I beat myself over it everyday. I'm a horrible human being. I get if you don't like me, I just wanted to tell you, but you were either with Carter or Taylor, and when you called me first tonight, I thought something might be there. Okay, the point of this, is that I like you. A lot." He explained to me, in one breathe.

I leaned forward, placing my lips on his. He began to kiss back. We both pulled apart. It was only about fifteen seconds, but it felt like eternity. " I like you too. A lot."


Oh, didn't see that coming. Tell me what you think of it.

I feel like this chapter is short, I need to start making them longer

Ok, peace.

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