Chapter 16 // That Kiss

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*Meghan's POV*

'Tell me where your hiding your voodoo doll.'

My computer played the sweet sounds of 5SOS. I was sitting in my room alone, not having anything to do on a Sunday afternoon. Scrolling through Tumblr, reblogging and liking things.

My phone began to vibrate, it was Gilinsky. They had to keep him an extra day, to see how he was.

"Yellow." I said answering the phone.

"Blue." Jack replied, I chuckled. "Can you come and pick me up from the hospital?"

"Sure, I'll be there in 30." I told him hanging up the phone. Puzzled as to why he asked me to pick him up. I just brushed it off. I had on a decent outfit of leggings and one of Jacks sweaters. I grabbed my phone hopped down the steps, put on my white high tops, got my keys, and was out the door.

I sat in the car, and texted my parents where I was going before pulling out of my driveway.


I walked into the main lobby to see Jack sitting there, playing on his phone. He looked up and a smile spread across his face.

"Hey Meghan!" He said walking toward me opening his arm for a hug. He looked really good, he was wearing a black Vans shirt, khakis, and black Vans too. He smelled even better, I thought as I hugged him.

No Meghan, stop, you can't think that. He's your boyfriends, best friend. You unlatched from each other.

"Shall we go?" Jack said leading the way. I just nodded and followed him. I unlocked my car. Jack hopped in, then me, considering I was behind him.

"Can we go to McDonald's before you drop me off at home? I'm hungry as fuck." He explained. I nodded and continued to drive. I spotted a McDonald's, I turned into the parking lot, then their drive thru.

"Hello, what can I get you today?" The speaker said.

"What do you want?" I questioned Jack.

"Double Big Mac combo." He told me. I nodded and turned my attention back to the speaker.

"I'll have one Double Big Mac combo, and a Big Mac, no combo. With a chocolate milkshake." I finished.

"That'll 14.58." The speaker told me before I rolled up to the next window. I began to tae out my money, but Jack reached over and payed.

"Keep the change." He told the teller. I came to the next window, got our food, and sped off to Jack's house.


I parked into Jacks driveway.

"You wanna come in and eat?" Jack questioned me.

"Sure." I replied grabbing my things and getting out of my car. Jack walked up and unlocked the door. I stepped in, kicked off my shoes and went to go sit on the couch. Jack joined you right beside you. I both began to eat your meals in silence, I wanted some fries, but I didn't have any. So, I decided to take one from Jack.

"Hey! Get your own fries!" Jack yelled at me playfully.

"Never!" I said, stealing another one. Holding it up in defiance. I stole a couple more.

"That's enough." Jack exclaims before turning to me and starting to tickle me.

"Stop, stop!" I say through your fits of laughter, but it doesn't help. By this point I was laying on the couch. Jack stops but still stay on top of me. We're both looking into each others eyes. He begins to lean forward, I do too.

I feel his lips come into conect with mine. Fireworks shoot everywhere, it's better than kissing Johnson. No, I'm dating Johnson. I pull away, I try to get from underneath him.

"Sorry." I tell him before collecting my things, and racing out the door. It's started raining, great. I hurry into my car, and shut it.


I was outside Johnson's house. I needed to tell him, before Jack did. He needs to hear it from his girlfriend. I rush out of my car, it's still raining. I ring the doorbell and wait for an answer. Jack's mom answer.

"Come inside, you must be freezing. Jack's upstairs in his room." She tells me before she goes back to what she was doing before. I hop up the steps two at a time. I knock on his door.

"Come in." He says from the other side. I enter. I see him on his laptop. "Oh, hey, Meghan."

"I need to tell you something." I say, he takes the laptop off of his lap.

"Shoot." He replies.

"I may have kissed Jack." I tell him. His expression goes from sad, to hurt, to anger.

"What?" He says through gritted teeth.

"It just happened, it won't happen again. I'm dating you." I exclaim, going close to him.

"Get out. I don't want to see you. Talk to you. We're over. Get out of my house!" He yells at me. I can feel the tears going down my face. I collect your things and race out of his house. The rain was pouring at this point. I hop in my car and speed off.


*Olivia's POV*

"He threw a pencil that hit me, on the first day of school. That's how we first met." Lauren explained how her and Nash met, she had the biggest smile on her face. I was awwing the whole time. She just doesn't know, that the pencil was meant for me, but she doesn't need to know that.


I got up and ran towards my front door, I whipped it open to see Meghan standing there. Makeup running down her face. It was pouring too.

"I really need a friend." She said through her cries. I opened my arms and she ran into them, she started to sob even more. Lauren closed the front door as we all walked to the living.

"Shh, it's okay. I forgive you." I told her rubbing her back. Lauren came over with a box of tissues. Meghan separated from me, and took a bunch. Lauren sat down on the other side of her.

"Now, what happened?" Lauren questioned.

"Ja-ackk broke up with me." Meghan said through her cries.

"But why?" I said, they seemed like a really happy couple.

"Jack kisss-edd me, and I toldd him, and he bleew up at mee." She continued.

"Well, fuck boys." Lauren exclaimed. " You know what this means?"

"Girls night!!" Me and Lauren yelled, loud enough to scare the ants away. Meghan just smiled and laughed a little.


So, there you have it, a major plot twist. Didn't see that coming did you.


Favourite Animal- Polar Bear

Favourite Song ATM- Good Girls by 5SOS

Ok, peace.


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