Chapter 19 // luv u

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Before this chapter starts, I just want to clarify, that all of them are juniors. It's mid May, and school is about to end. So, some of them are older, and some are younger.

*Olivia's POV*

"And then you did what?" I questioned Meghan. She was explaining the events that happened last period with Jack.

"I just walked out of the classroom." Meghan explained, a slight smile in her face. We were sitting inside the cafeteria with our ever shrinking group. Both Jacks, Taylor, and Carter sit somewhere else, and the empty spot for Juliana. Everyone wants to put the death behind us, and focus on the good times we had with her.

"I still think it's a dick move." Matt spoke up, while feeding our baby. "He yells at you, then hangs out with Jack, and expects you to forgive him. It's like the same thing that happened with Taylor and Olivia. Although Taylor physically hurt Olivia."

Everyone nodded at him.

"What's with the baby?" Aaron asked.

"He's our child." I said. Matthew put on a giddy smile. "Family studies."

Everyone nodded and continued to eat their lunches.

"I'm having a little get together on Friday." Matt spoke. "Just us, no big party. My parents won't be there, and you can all sleepover."

We all replied with yeah's, or we'll see.

Before we knew it, the bell was ringing, and I again raced out before Matt could make me take the baby. I would meet him at the end of the day, for it.

My last class of the day was physics. I had it with Carter.

I walked in and took my seat next to him, ever since Juliana's death he's been numb. To everything. I took out my notebook. I looked over at him, he looked so sad.

"Carter?" I asked him. He snapped out of his daze and looked at me.

"Yeah." He replied. I turned toward him.

"Look, I know what you did was wrong. Really wrong. But if we can, let's put that behind us." I told.

"What do you mean?" He said, looking puzzled.

"I'm saying, I forgive you." I explained. His frown turned into the biggest smile. We have had many bad times, but the good times we had, were really good. I don't like him, that way anymore, and he knows that. I got and hugged him, he hugged right back.


It was Friday after school, Lauren and Meghan were at my house. We were going to take Meghan's car there. We all said we were sleeping at each others house to our parents. Matt told us to be there at 6:30, it was now 6. We were going to leave in about five minutes. I had convinced Matt to invite Carter. Everyone didn't really have a big of problem with it, but Shawn was still a little iffy. He saw how I was after it.

I was wearing a white crop top, light wash distressed high waisted shorts, and a creme cardigan. Lauren was wearing a blue crop top, dark wash high waisted shorts, and a red flannel around her waist. Meghan was wearing a floral t-shirt romper.

"We should head there." Meghan spoke. We all nodded, got our backpacks, and went downstairs. I held up the finger that motioned for one sec. I ran towards my dad's office knowing he would be there.

"I'm about to go, bye daddy. Love you. " I told him, seeing him on his computer. He looked up and smiled.

"Bye pumpkin, see you tomorrow. Love you too." He replied back, I ran to the front door and saw they already had their shoes one. I put on my red vans. Lauren had on black vans, and Meghan had on white high tops.

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